Monday, January 31, 2011

Another good day

Woke up yesterday looking forward to drinking my shake. I know, weird huh? But it's true, and to my delight -- the shake was worth looking forward to! So loving the Torani SF syrup add ins <3. So here is what yesterdays menu choices looked like for me:

January 30, 2011

Breakfast -- A "lava flow" inspired protein shake. I've decided that I need to buy some frozen unsweetened pineapple for this one next time, but for now, this was almost heavenly. It's the 1st protein shake I could just drink without having to have the lid on my blender bottle (which was until now necessary to avoid the God-awful smell of protein!). Here was my recipe:

2 scoops strawberry protein powder
2/3 cups frozen unsweetened  strawberries
1/3 cup frozen unsweetened Logan berries
1 oz Torani coconut sugar-free syrup 

Did I mention I could drink it and smell it at the same time without gaging? That's HUGE for me! Definitely going to get some frozen pineapple to replace the Logan berries soon -- oh wait what am I thinking -- I'll just get fresh white pineapple next week when I'm in Hawaii! I wonder if I cut it up and freeze it and pack it in a cooler, would they let me bring it home on the plane? Maybe I'll have to look into that.

Had to pick up my Jag from Kayla (which was hard for her to return).  So our families met for lunch at Applebee's. The nice thing about Applebee's is that they list the calories on their menus. Now that I am paying attention, I wonder if I would have in the past, ordered the menu items with 1500 calories per serving if they told me it was that much? (that's 2 1/2 days worth of calories for me currently!) They have a new "Under 550 Calories" menu so they do point out healthier options. I had:

The Island Shrimp and rice plate which was 320 calories, but asked for no rice, so it was more in the neighborhood of 200 calories (notice the Applebee's pun there? I crack myself up!) I ate most of my shrimp, except what I shared for others to taste (I think I ate 12 out of the 15) and about 1/3 of my veggies. The shrimp had a sweet spicy glaze, so waiting 45 minutes after I ate to drink any water was a little difficult -- but I managed.

After lunch, we said our good-byes to Kayla and her Family, and headed to my in-laws house for a visit. I just love Jim and Marie! Of course, Marie and I had our tea after my "liquids time out" was over. Yummy pomegranate tea! No calories, no caffeine, but I had 2 cups, and it counted towards my fluid intake for the day.

Kana was recently put on a gluten free diet due to his ongoing stomach issues (and I think we finally found the source of the problem. -- He really is allergic to gluten). So since he can't have ice cream, and since it's not really a good option to have in the house for me either, Dan has been forced to give it up. For Kana's diet, homemade ice cream is OK though, and now that I know how to make yummy protein shakes, homemade protein ice cream as suggested by Shelly a.k.a. eggface at: is now something I am interested in. So I was telling Marie I was going to buy an ice cream maker to make ice cream Dan and the boys could eat, and to make protein ice cream for myself. Turns out I bought her one like 10 years ago that she has never used (honestly I didn't even remember buying it!) -- so she gave it (back) to me! So I'll be making ice cream this week! watch for updates.

Dinner was a splurgetastic combination of delicious protein options that made me feel like I was cheating, but wasn't! I had:

2 oz smoked salmon
1 oz cream cheese
8 Almond crackers (new find thanks to the gluten free thing!)

Again, no exercise today (cause it was still the weekend!) except running around the mall with Britton looking for new shoes for him (he's SO picky!), but it got a walking lap in for me, so it worked out fine!


  1. For the record, I totally ate 3 of your shrimp, so that helps with the cals...hahaha.

    You are on your way to being a Torani whore like me...but looking forward to your protein shake=heaven...I chugged my cocomo today. Yum-o!!

    Very proud of you and loving your blog. Oh, and feel free to send that pretty Jag my way ANY time.

    Love you Band-it! :)

  2. OK then, I ate 11 of the 15 -- cause Dan ate 1 and I thought you had 2 <3
