Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Brain Is A Funny Thing!

So I've been doing well on the liquid protein diet for the last couple days. Which, shouldn't be too hard considering I haven't really felt hunger since Tuesday. It's like my body didn't really want food. However, the mind is a funny thing. I started the liquid protein phase of my diet on Thursday, and this morning, I'm hungry! Like I really want to eat (chew) something! It's like my body didn't really want food -- until I told it that it couldn't have it! So, is it actual hunger returning -- or my brain playing tricks on my will power? I don't know. I just find it odd!  That being said, I'm glad I have ADOS (Attention Deficit . . . Ooh Shinny!) today, I'm gonna need it! (Hey Kayla -- Squirrel! LOL!) So for now to take my mind off of it -- here is what my yesterday looked like.

March 18, 2011

Due to unforeseen circumstances with Britton, my morning workout was cut short, which was OK because I had a personal trainer session with "Coach Trev" in the afternoon, so it was going to be an extra workout anyway. I know I have told you how much I like this new gym -- but it's the extra mile they go to assure you are getting the most of your membership that really puts them over the top! (Plus they do a lot of great things for the community like their free speed training classes for the kids every Tuesday and Thursday.) I recommend that if any of you reading, live near Ferndale -- Join this gym! It's the best!!! I am really sore this morning though -- but that's a good thing. It means it's working.

Breakfast was again a  "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. I'm running out of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Torani, so I have to get to Cash 'N' carry today. Maybe they will have some new flavors too?

I did good on my fluid intake today and between breakfast and lunch, I had already drank a liter of water.

Lunch was a "CocoCaraMac" Shake, but with only 1 scoop of Protein Powder.

 I need to place an order for more protein. Yesterday's lunch wiped out the last of my supply of Strawberry flavored protein. I get my protein from -- I use "Max Protein". It's a great time to buy right now, because they are running a special buy 2 tubs, get 1 tub 25% off. Plus, you can combine the sale with this promo code from Eggface for an additional 20% off the entire order! -- which works out to be about $58 a 5 lb tub (as opposed to $80)  --OR-- $36 a 2 lb tub (as opposed to $50). So now is a good time to stock up!

My final shake of the day was my "Peach Pie" Shake, but again with only 1 scoop of protein.

I did have a Sugar Free Popsicle in the evening, which is another weird brain enigma -- why do I seem to only really want Popsicles when it's freezing outside? Maybe because I crank up the heater inside? Maybe? I don't know.

Here were my Daily Stats:
Calories Burned: 300 Plus however many my workout with Trevor was (I don't know an exact #, but I was sweating like crazy, so . . .
Calories Consumed: 497
Protein: 88g
H2O: 2L + my 3 shakes (about 16-18oz each)

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