Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Couple Better Days

I did it! At 12:05 this morning I finally entered the last invoice for April -- which means today I can print them all, stuff envelopes, and get billing out first thing in the morning. I do this every month, so why am I so excited about it this month? The answer to that is that my trip to Hawaii depended on me getting billing out before I left. Now, after hitting the post office tomorrow, all there is left to do is pack, and jump on a jet plane. OK, I know this blog isn't really intended to tell you about my going to Hawaii, but I'm a little excited. I even have a plane plan. I bought two new blender bottles the other day to take with me, so I can have a shake on the plane and one during my layover in Honolulu.

So now that you know what I'm gonna do, let me tell you what I did:

April 29, 2011

I tried the Kirkland Pre-mixed Protein drink. The verdict . . . YUCK! I just can't do pre-mixed.I know there are times when a good pre-mixed would come in handy, but I have yet to find a pre-mix that is what I would call "Good." I could only choke down 2 drinks, one to find it horrible, and one to confirm it really was as horrible as I originally thought. So I decided to instead have:

1 1/2 Tyson Grilled Chicken Breast

On Fridays, my cousin Latisha comes over on her lunch break and we workout here. I always make her a shake for lunch, and since I hadn't yet tried my new shipment, Latisha was my guinea pig! Turns out the protein is good again -- the funny thing is the label is even back to blue -- not shiny metallic blue, but still, the original look of the label -- the label on the bad stuff was white.

After Latisha left, I made myself a shake, since I now knew the powder was good! (LOL) I had a Peach Pie Shake since that's the flavor I made for her and it smelled so good.

By this time of the day, I had only consumed 401 calories and already gotten 86g of protein in, so it seemed like a good day to catch a movie with Kana & Dan, since I definitely had room in my day for popcorn! We saw Hoodwinked Too in 3D. I love 3D movies! Plus, each time we see one, I get closer to getting Dan to agree to buying a 3DTV.

I ate approximately 2 cups Movie Popcorn without the gross butter flavored topping. And that was it. That was my Friday. I definitely felt like it was a successful day, especially compared to Thursday. Now, on to Saturday:

April 30, 2011

Breakfast was a new protein shake recipe. It;s a work in progress, so it's not on my protein drink recipe page yet. I was trying for a Cherry Almond Tart Shake. It's close. It was good enough that U didn't throw it out. It just seems like I'm missing something? I don't know what yet, but eventually I'll figure it out. Here's the recipe: (feel free to make it, try it, and send me suggestions on what to add to make it perfect)

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Black Cherry Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Almond Syrup
4 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

Lunch was a picnic of Hors d'oeuvres with Dan & Kana. We had Homemade Salami, Cheese, Low Fat Crackers, Chicken Salad, and Lots of Sunshine. After eating, it was off to the pool for swimming and Kana's lesson.

After swimming it was off to our weekly treat of Frozen Yogurt, I had:

4 oz Strawberry Lemonade Yogurt
4 Fresh Blackberries

I considered frozen yogurt my dinner and when we got home, got right to finishing up invoicing (with a quick facebook break and had the live stream of the Merrie Monarch Festival playing split screen) but I did finish up, so I went to bed happy.

My stats for the day:
Calories Consumed: 586
Calories Burned: ? 1 hour swimming
Protein: 70g
H2O: 3L

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