Thursday, March 17, 2011


OK, so I did a bad thing. I have not been drinking enough. Now, my kidneys are hurting . . .BAD!  It's been difficult getting use to the new tightness, so today I am seriously going on a liquid protein and lots of H2O diet for a week or so. I need to go back to the basics -- like just after surgery. Learn how to sip, sip, sip again. I was open for so long, that I kind of "forgot" my rules about eating. I mean, I didn't forget, I just didn't follow them as closely as I should have. Not the eating/drinking schedule thing, but the chewing until my food was "self pureed" part. I think if I start over from square one, I can train myself again. I know I've been saying I wanted to do it -- but now it's pretty obvious I NEED to do it. So today is day one of "Starting over." Funny, all my day one's seem to take place on holidays. Today is St. Patrick's day, but this post isn't about today, it's about yesterday, so here we go:

March 16, 2011

So should I start with the good news or the bad news first? Hmmm . . . I pick . . . the good news.

I kicked butt at the gym again! 848 calories burned. That's a new a.m. record for me (because in the morning we are strictly limited on time).Britton started joining the early morning class that is happening and liked it -- said it is super intense though! He was sweating so bad, his hair was dripping wet. (Like mine always is after a workout!)

OK, now for the not so good news. My intake:

Like I've already told you, fluids were very very low. My food was not so great either. Breakfast was:

1 round of Babybel Light Cheese

Lunch didn't happen until 2:30 when I got home from picking Kana up from school. I know, you're thinking wow -- it's not like I didn't have LOTS of time to get that water in -- but I don't "feel" hungry or thirsty right now! . . . I mean at all! . . . EVER. (I know Kayla, you told me it would happen, but after 110 days of not feeling that way -- I kinda never believed I would. Now I believe you!) I did make a new yummy shake for "Lunner" (LOL! Like the lunch/dinner version of Brunch.) I think this one will be a regular as I work on my "do over." I call it the "Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

It was super delicious! Now if I was a bit more focused yesterday, I would have made another shake for dinner, but I wasn't, so I didn't. And I didn't really eat anything either. What I did was popped 1/2 a Strawberry in my mouth, which was cold straight out of the refrigerator and caused sensitivity to my teeth, so I didn't chew it thoroughly, and swallowed a bite too big to fit through my stoma. Instant uncomfortably full sensation, and resultant "slime" -- it's a band thing -- you don't want to know! -- which until now I had only heard about, but never experienced. YUCK! Not doing that again!!!

OK, so my daily stats were:
Calories Consumed: 298
Calories Burned: 848
Protein: 49g
H2O: Not enough, but I'm going to start letting you know, so I help keep myself on track!

Now, I know this is where we usually end it, but I want to end on a positive note. So I want to tell you something that made me super happy yesterday. My husband brought home a new Nordic Track Treadmill for me. I am so happy about this. I have been wanting a home use treadmill since I started this journey, now I have one! I have decided I can only watch my DVR'ed shows while on the treadmill, so I should get plenty of extra workout time now. So that's good -- and I always remember to drink lots of h2o after a workout, so that's good too!

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