Sunday, December 25, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

December 24, 2011

Yesterday was my official 13 month post op anniversary. Last week I promised I would update the pics for you at Christmas, so to stay true to my word, I, forced myself to have photos taken at our family Christmas Eve gathering last night...and, as promised, here is my current "current" photo:

Not bad considering that I started out here, just 1 day before Thanksgiving last year:

It really has been the incredible shrinking year! It feels like it just flew by. It's amazing what can be accomplished taken one day at a time. It hasn't been easy, but it definitely has been worth it. In this season of giving, I have taken much time to reflect on what a wonderful gift I gave myself last Thanksgiving when I gave myself the gift of a healthier life. I hope that each of you remember to be generous to yourselves too. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you, or a blessed Holiday of your own chosing. May you always remember that sometimes the greatest gifts we can receive are the healthy choices we make for ourselves.

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