Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well I Know What Doesn't Work, Now To Find Out What Does

So, last week was....well...I'm not gonna call it a fail...I'm just gonna say, I can and will find a way to do better...I just haven't found it yet. I'm not gonna run down everything I ate last week, but instead, will just give you what I tried that turned out not to work for me. Which is good -- the way to find out what you want out of life is to first know what you don't want. I suppose finding out what does work is a lot the same -- Now I know what doesn't work, so instead of calling it a failure, I'll just call it progress.

I tried to just add 3 8oz glasses of Skim Milk a day. Seemed like a great plan. It has good nutritional value, it's good for the bones, and gave me the extra calories I needed. Now, for many of you, this might have been a good plan, but for me....not so much. Turns out I'm lactose intolerant. I'm ok with a little, like my morning Fauxa and maybe even a bit of cheese at some point, but 24oz of milk in a given day and, well....let's just say I get....ummm...well....let's just say I have a little problem with gas. OK, maybe I wouldn't call it "little."  Honestly, in the 2 days I tried this route, I thought maybe I'd end up losing my husband....not that he would leave me, but that my gas might actually kill him. LOL!

I broke down one day and gave into something sweet. I used needing to up my calories as an excuse, since there are almost 300 calories, so why not? I'll tell you why I'm struggling with a sugar jones from hell and have to ride it out again. Damn it! Plus, there was absolutely no nutritional value in the extra calories. Speaking of the whole sugar thing, I realized I forgot a rule in my last post. I have now fixed it, so if you have not seen the updated version, you may want to go back and check it out here:

I did eat 3 tbsp of Peanut Butter one day. I dipped a single 6" celery stalk into it. LOL! A little celery on my peanut butter. I loved it, but the fat content was a little too high, so it's not like I can do this on a everyday basis, but it did help calm my sugar cravings in a healthier way than a candy bar, right?

I have decided that it's a good time to check in with my nutritionist and have her help me set up a plan. It's on my agenda for today. I'll let you know how that works out next time.

Well, last but not least...I know there are a lot of you who have been asking for an updated picture -- so far I just haven't gotten around to it. But, the 24th is officially my 13 month post op day, so at my family's Christmas Eve party, I will have someone take one for me and will post it for you on Christmas.

Happy Winter Solstice to you all. Make good choices and find the beauty in the day.

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