Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've Lost My Key

I somehow seem to have lost my gym key. Which sucks, because it just gives me one more excuse to not exercise. I have been lucky the last few days and show up at the gym just when someone else has been walking in, so I could get in myself. I need to talk to the owner and let him know I need a new one. I can't believe the damn thing is gone. I hang it up everytime I walk in the door -- first thing! My youngest son said he saw that it had fallen on the ground just below the hook but that was before our housekeeper got here. I have a bad feeling she may have swept it up and threw it away, not realizing what it was (it's an electronic key card), but I'm holding out hope that maybe she just put it somewhere and I just don't know where that somewhere is....yet. Here's to hoping. I'm going to have to pay to replace it anyway, I suppose. Anyway, here was my yesterday:

April 27, 2011

Breakfast: I samples the Kirkland Vanilla Protein Powder I reviewed for you yesterday. (It was so good I had to tell you right away -- too good to make you wait until now!) As I said yesterday -- The TRIFECTA of protein!

Lunch was a Tyson Grilled Chicken Breast and an Easter Egg, I just wanted to see which came first.....LOL,,,,,,, In case you're wondering, it was the egg -- I peeled it and was eating it in under 30 seconds. While the Chicken took 3 1/2 minutes in the microwave. I know, all that time wondering and now you have a definitive answer and can finally put that one to rest! There ya go. You're welcome.

In the mid afternoon I still had one last Hershey Sugar-Free Chocolate bar left, so I ate it. Now I have no more little pieces of chocolately evil around pretending to be heavenly little bites of yummy goodness! I ate it with 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

For dinner I had leftovers from Tuesday Night's Dinner -- Pastaless Lasagna with Spaghetti Squash. Ever since my contribution to the Easter Dessert table, I have decided I am in LOVE with Low Fat Ricotta Cheese! In love I tells ya!, love, LOVE!! So this recipe was my experiment with my new found object of affection. I used:

24 oz Lean Ground Turkey Itallian sausage
24 oz Low fat Ricotta Cheese
16 oz Low fat Mozarella Cheese (grated)
2 Jars Ragu Sweet Tomato and Basil Pasta Sauce
1 bag Fresh-Express Baby Spinach
3 large Portabello Mushrooms (sliced thick)

1st layer:         Meat and 1 Jar Sauce (blended together)
2nd Layer:       (1) 12 oz container Ricotta Cheese
3rd Layer:       1/2 bag Spinach
4th Layer:       1/3 Grated Low Fat Mozerella Cheese
5th Layer:       Portabella Mushrooms
6th Layer:       3/4 Jar Pasta Sauce
7th Layer:       (1) 12 oz container Ricotta Cheese
8th Layer:       Remaining Spinach
9th Layer:       Remaining Grated Mozarella Cheese
Top With:      Remaining Pasta Sauce

Cover with foil (tightly). Place in a pre-heated 375 degree oven. Cook for 1 hour.

I have a double oven so I made my Spaghetti Squash at the same time and served the Lasagna over the squash. I think though, that you could add pre-cooked squash in the layering as if it were a pasta layer, and it would be fine (I'm guessing as this was my 1st experience with this cool new veggie).

Oh yeah, and the above recipe.....It's HUGE! (you gotta read that with a Donald Trump accent! LOL). I used a Large Turkey Roasting Pan and got 24 servings out of it (I have lots frozen in single servings, for quick meals). You might want to cut the recipe in 1/2 for an average Lasagna!

I did workout yesterday and burned 911 calories -- Funny, it didn't seem like an emergency! Hahaha.

Here are my stats:
Calories Consumed: 652
Calories Burned: 911
Protein: 83g
H2O: 2L*

*Here's an interesting fact I just learned:
Research has shown that within 10 minutes of drinking a pint of water, the metabolism increases by as much as 30 percent. Other drinks did not show the same effect. Drinking 2L per day can burn an extra 100 calories!

Why wasn't I told this YEARS ago? The whole, "good for your kidneys, skin, ect..." is great and all, but doesn't have quite the motivation of, "burn more calories!" Well, now we know. Drink, Drink, Drink!!!

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