Monday, April 4, 2011

This Is Getting To Be A Really Bad Habbit

So here I am again doing a double day post. Which I don't really like doing. Was I too busy to take the time to write yesterday? Nope. Then why did I not post yesterday? I don't know? I sat down to write it a few different times through the day, but each time, I would get distracted doing something else. Maybe I just need a day off once in a while? Maybe I was just being lazy? (Sunday's do tend to do that to me.) Whatever the case, here I am writing my "Weekend Post" . . . again.

Saturday April 2, 2011

I chose not to go to OA again this week. It just doesn't feel like a vibrational match for me, so I'm probably not going back. They talk about wanting to stop the negative self-talk (I shouldn't have eaten that, I'm no good because I ate that, etc . . .), then they all repeat the same negative mantra each time they wish to speak (I'm a compulsive over eater). I need to surround myself with positive people. I will figure out the support group thing later -- my Dr's support group will begin meeting once a month, so I'll try that. If I decide I need something more, I will begin my own that is more metaphysically based.

Breakfast was a protein shake with the last of my protein powder. I guess I should have placed my reorder sooner. My new shipment is scheduled to be here on Monday. So my last 2 scoops of chocolate powder went in the blender to make a new concoction I called, "Hawaiian Joy" (like an Almond Joy, but with macadamia nut instead of almond). It was really good and chocolaty! Here is my recipe:

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Macadamia Nut Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
12 Ice Cubes

It was good, but it was lunch that I had been looking forward to since the night before. I had as much of my leftovers from last nights dinner as I could eat -- unfortunately, it was no more than I could eat the night before (but that's good for the weight loss journey, so I was completely OK with it). I ate the Ahi, Yellow Fin, and Salmon, but the Maguro was very stringy and difficult to chew into puree, so I gave it to the cat. I also had a few rolls with the rice taken off (easy when they're inside out rolls). I unfortunately had to toss the rest out. Left overs from a sushi restaurant are only still delicious for a short time.

Then it was off to swimming and frozen yogurt after. I had very little (maybe 2 ounces if I was lucky, because Kana asked if he could have the rest of mine pretty quickly (knowing that when I have decided I have had enough, I offer it to him before throwing it away). It was fine with me, I knew we were going to the movies in a couple hours (and would want to indulge in my guiltiest of pleasures -- POPCORN!), so I didn't really need the rest of the yogurt, and took Kana's asking as a sign from the universe. So I had:

2 oz Cactus Cooler Tart Non-Fat Frozen Yogurt

It was a delicious flavor. A mixture of Pineapple, Orange, and Coconut. It's probably good that Kana asked for mine, because I would have most likely eaten the whole thing.

Next it was off to visit my in-laws and have a cup of tea with Marie. I was enjoying our conversation so much, that I almost made us late for the movie, but we made it. (and with enough time to spare to stop by the concession stand and buy popcorn. I ordered:

1 small Popcorn (and I ate a little more than 3/4 of the bag by myself!)

Why do they always ask you if you want "butter flavored topping" on your popcorn? Gross! No thank-you, no butter flavored grease for me please. We took our snacks and headed into the theater to watch Hop with Kayla and her family. I gotta tell you, as a post-oppie, the movie was hysterical with candy making treadmills, and lines like "Ah, my old nemesis, the stairs, we meet again." That one made me laugh out loud!

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 796
Calories Burned: Swimming
Protein: 80
H2O: 2.5L

Sunday March 3. 2011

What to do what to do? I had no protein powder (well none that I would drink anyway!) I had to start the day with a plan to get my protein in. I decided that Greek Yogurt had almost as much protein per serving as my shake, the problem was quantity. Adding an extra scoop of powder to a shake doesn't significantly increase the volume, but to eat 2 cups of yogurt, was going to take some effort and a plan. I decided to drink a bottle of water to start with (thinking, it may be a while before I can drink again -- due to the no liquids until 45 minutes after food rule). Then I got started on my yogurt:

2 cups Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup Torani Sugar-Free Red Raspberry Syrup

I started on it at just a bit after 9:00am by the time I had completed it, it was 12:30 in the afternoon! It took over 3 hours to get it all down. Makes me appreciate my shakes for sure. Such an easier way! I decided that the mornings endeavor would count as both breakfast and lunch.

Which was good, because by the time I had waited and got another 2 bottles of water down,l it was 4:00. I decided, I'd better have some dinner, I ate the last of pre-cooked chicken breast I had bought earlier this week. (but this time I had something very special to dip it in!) Here was my yummy dinner:

1 Tyson Frozen Grilled Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Golden Miso Sauce

I love golden miso sauce, but don't know the nutritional value of it, so I am just using the miso paste in my calorie and protein count -- if any of you know what the true NV of golden miso sauce is, please let me know.

Here are my daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 451
Calories Burned: BMR only -- sunday is my day off
Protein: 72g
H2O: 2L

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