Sunday, April 17, 2011

No Squirrel Needed

I forgot again yesterday. It's so weird! I swore I would never be one of those girls who
"forgot" -- I mean how does a person forget to eat? I use to think that was such a dumb statement. "Oops! I forgot to eat." Really? I could never figure it out. I've always (and I mean ALWAYS) had this built in device called hunger to remind me.  I still have have it -- it just doesn't work like it use to. It use to be a workaholic, and now it's just a part time employee -- due to my downsizing! (you know, recession and all! LOL)

The concept makes a little more sense to me now. I mean I get it. I still find it incredibly stupid . . . but I do now understand how it can happen, if you're not paying attention. No squirrel needed yesterday, but if there were a squirrel -- I probably should have eaten it (for the protein). Just Kidding, but I ended up way too low on my protein intake. Well, maybe I should just explain to you what I did (or rather didn't?):

April 16, 2011

First off, I need to start drinking my protein again. Guess Vanilla Cake Batter it will be for a while? I did not do that today. That was my first mistake, especially when my breakfast only contained 9g of protein (with meals containing that little protein, I'd have to eat 8 times in a day to even reach my 70g/day mark -- then I'd never get my water in because I'd constantly be waiting my 45 minutes after eating). So, here was my breakfast:

1 large Scrambled
1 Tbsp Crumbled Bacon

After Breakfast, I wrote up my blog post, then hit the gym. I'm still struggling to achieve the level I was at with exercise before I got sick, but I did do a bit better than yesterday. Today I burned 650 calories plus did some arm and leg exercises. (plus it's Saturday, so I'll be swimming later on -- but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.)

After the gym, I came home to Britton asking me to take him to the skate park in Eureka. I was going that way soon anyway, so I agreed, I jumped in the shower and got ready to go. I figured I would take the opportunity to stop by Kohl's on the way to swimming since I was now leaving over an hour earlier than I had planned (saw the cutest dress in Kohl's last week that would be perfect for my upcoming trip to Hawaii)

Somewhere between shopping and heading to the pool, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to eat lunch. I asked Kana if he had eaten. He said he had a sandwich when I was working out. I decided that as long as the kid was OK, I would wait. My mother always told me you can't swim for 30 minutes after eating anyway. (but then again, my mother was ridiculous, so . . .)

We hit the pool and had some quality mom & son time. I'm so glad his confidence is so much better that he actually likes the deep side now. I feel like I get more exercise in over there than in the shallow water, Plus, I don't get hit in the face with any balls being thrown over there.

After swimming (at 4:00 in the afternoon) we went to a new Frozen Yogurt Bar in Arcata, "Ultimate Yogurt" (it's very similar to Yogurtland in Hawaii). You serve your own and add your own toppings (if you want them) and pay by the ounce. They had nutrition facts for all their flavors on hand -- so I knew exactly what the #'s were for my stats. I had:

4 oz Original Tart Yogurt
1 small cube of Mango
3 Strawberry Slices

So it was 4:30 by the time we left the yogurt shop in Arcata and after 5 by the time we got home. Technically I should be done eating for the day by now, but I had only consumed 200 calories and 12g of protein for the day, so I had to eat something for dinner -- regardless of how late it was. Now, If I were being smart, I would have made a protein shake . . . but I didn't. I did however, make an amazing dinner. I made Chicken Breast (yep, the frozen Tyson Grilled Breast -- they're quick and easy and already proportioned) with Peanut sauce, Coleslaw, and (for the family) Rice. Unfortunately, I bit my tongue really hard just shortly into my meal, and decided to stop eating. I did get down:

1/4 Tyson Grilled Chicken Breast
1/2 Tbsp Peanut Sauce
2 bites of Coleslaw

OUCH! Damn. I hate when that happens. I didn't eat anymore, because with the sore tongue, I was afraid I would not chew enough before swallowing my food and cause a second problem -- stoma blockage. So I quit while I was ahead.

Here are my recipes for both my Slaw and sauce:

Coleslaw --

1 small head Cabbage
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil
2 Tbsp Seasoned Rice Vinegar
1 packet Splenda
Ted & Barney Seasoning to taste

Shred cabbage. In small bowl add oil, vinegar, and splenda together. Pour mixture over cabbage. Season to taste with Ted & Barney's.

Peanut Sauce --

2/3 Cup Peanut Butter
1 1/2 cup Chicken Broth
2/3 cup Soy Sauce
Liberal Amounts of Chinese Hot Mustard Powder (to taste -- I use LOTS 'cause I like it Hot!)
Crushed Red Chilies (to taste)

This was a double recipe because I wanted left overs. I've been eating a lot of chicken breast lately and wanted something to flavor it up with a protein based sauce. (34 calories per Tbsp with 1.31g of protein)

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 270
Calories Burned: 650++
Protein: >20g
H2O: 3L (keep a case of water bottles in my trunk to assure I never forget to drink)

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