Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm Taking Sick Leave

So you know how, at the beginning of yesterday's post I told you that I got up, turned off my alarm, and went back to bed instead of going to the gym? Well, now I know why I was so tired . . . I'm sick. I think I have just run myself down. Well, maybe I should start at the beginning:

April 5, 2011

After a night of getting up every hour and a half for one reason or another, the alarm went off at 5:15 as usual. I promptly jumped up, turned it off, turned around and went immediately back to bed. I never do that! I thought maybe I was just too tired and made a deal with myself to do a home workout later in the day.

When I woke up to get Britton up and ready for school, I was still feeling a bit slow, but I was able to force myself to do what was necessary.

After I got Britton off to school, Kana fed, medicated, and situated on the couch with a movie going, I decided to make myself breakfast. I was really excited to have strawberry protein powder again. Time for a Lava Flow Shake! I thought I had tagged the shake, but could not find it, so I will post the ingredients again and tag it here:

2 scoops Strawberry Protein Powder
3 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
1/2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Strawberry Syrup
1/2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

I chatted with a friend on facebook while I drank it. I thought I was just procrastinating getting the stuff done I needed to do (which I am very good at doing), but after I was done drinking my shake, I just felt like I had no energy (not usual after finishing a whole protein shake). I actually laid down on the love seat and took a late morning nap.

When I woke up from that I noticed my eyes were runny and the fluid was a bit sticky. I thought, "please, don't let me get Kana's pink eye!" I knew I was always careful to was my hands before and after I medicated him, but he did sleep in my bed the night before, so maybe . . . ?

Shortly, I noticed my throat hurt. Then came the fever. GREAT! I did manage to get billing done (thanks to Britton's help after he got home from school), but that was the end of my trying to fight it off. I decided my body was shouting at me to rest, so I gave in and spent the rest of the day sleeping.

I decided not to stress to much on anything other than staying hydrated. I had plenty of hot tea and broth, water and even a sugar free Popsicle, but there really isn't much to tell about what I ate. Oh yeah and as for exercise, I just couldn't.

I don't know how long this is going to last, but posting updates that tell you what flavor tea or broth I drank, what movies I watched on TV and how sick I feel -- won't be any fun for either of us, so I am taking a few sick days and will return the day after I feel better enough to get back to my regular routine.

Thanks everyone, hopefully it will only be a day or two!

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