Friday, April 15, 2011

Nope. Being Sick Didn't Kill Me -- But Having To Drink Bad Protein Might

OK I'm sure some of you have been wondering what the heck happened to me. I told you I was taking sick leave, then just disappeared for 9 days. The truth is I was well a few days ago, but took a few extra days just to be nice to myself and rest.

There has been  something happening that I wanted to give you a heads up about though. I normally buy and recommend SEI Pharmaceuticals Brand Protein (Ultimate or MAX). That's because after much gagging and choking down bad protein, I had found a protein that was actually delicious. Then, I ran out of the yummy delicious protein and placed another order.

This time . . . NOT so yummy! I thought maybe it was just that flavor and opened the second tub (I had ordered three 5lb tubs one chocolate, one strawberry, one vanilla) -- The second tub (vanilla) was even worse. I thought, "no problem, they say Satisfaction guarantee right on the tub. I'll just return them."

I called SEI Customer service at: (800) 808-8800 and was told that "per the policy on the back of my invoice," I was only allowed to return the one remaining unopened tub. Per the policy on the back of the invoice??? Who the heck reads the back of the invoice? But I turned it over and sure enough there it was in the fine print -- will not accept open containers and no refund or exchange will be given. What the??!! What about the not fine print where every container states "Satisfaction Guarantee"

I asked the representative what the company was guaranteeing I would be satisfied with if not for the quality or taste? Were they guaranteeing that I would be happy with the way the container looked before I opened it? She told me that that was not her department and that she would have a supervisor return my call. Guess what? They didn't call.

For those of you who know me, I obviously wasn't going to let it end there. I next went to their facebook page and "liked" them (so I could gain access to post on their wall -- cause I wasn't liking their customer service at all by this point) Here was my wall post and their response:

Khrystine Bugbee Can you please tell me what the phrase "Satisfaction Guaranteed" on the MAX Protein label means? Because if you actually open it and are unsatisfied -- you're screwed as you can only return unopened products. So is the satisfaction guarantee that you'll be satisfied with the way it looks before you open it? or what exactly are do you guarantee I'll be satisfied with???
SEI PHARMACEUTICALS  Why can you only return unopened products? You bought it at GNC correct? If you are not satisfied with the taste you should be able to return it where purchased for an exchange or store credit if not your money back.
Khrystine Bugbee  No, I bought it from your website and was told by customer service that I could only return 1 of 3 tubs because I tried the other 2 -- but they said they couldn't tell me why, so I thought I would ask you 
Once again . . . no response. But I wasn't going to go quietly into the night! So the next day, I found this post on their wall:

Very disappointed in the change made to the chocolate Ultimate Protein (I assume the Max is the same). Bring back the good recipe!!!!!

Very interesting! They changed their Flavor Formula and did not think to alert their repeat customers? Not only that, but they then refused to allow a return of the product after it was opened under the assumption that it was the same as it has always been. So I took the opportunity to again try to elicit a response, and I commented on the post by saying:

Khrystine Bugbee  They must have changed something about the MAX too -- the 1st bad tasting/smelling protein I have gotten from SEI. Have you called to try to return it? I was told if you opened it -- it's yours we will only refund you or exchange the product on unopened jars. I have asked here (and via phone to their customer service reps) what Satisfaction Guarantee means if we can not return it when not satisfied -- But so far no one seems to have an answer for me!!??

They again told me that I could return it by calling customer service, but they did something to further reveal the mystery of the bad protein. They actually admitted in their response that they think they got a bad batch of protein (and quickly deleted their comment -- but not before facebook emailed it to me) so Now I knew that not only did they change their flavor formula, but they also were aware of the bad protein and still tried to refuse to accept them as a return . . . hmmm . . . the plot thickens! Here is the original version of their comment:

SEI PHARMACEUTICALS wrote: "Hi Mike and Khrystine. We believe it was a bad batch of protein. You are definitely able to return your product and exchange it for a new one. Please call us at 800-808-8800 and the rep from your state will take care of it for you!"

The new comment was exactly the same minus the part about knowing the protein was bad. So again I called customer service. They tried to pull the same "per the policy on the back of the invoice" crap with me and I told them that I knew that both they were aware of the bad batch of protein and that they had changed their flavoring formula and that per their rep on facebook I could absolutely return ANYTHING I was unsatisfied with.

Enter the customer service supervisor. (yeah, now their willing to talk!) I told her about the facebook exchange (including the deleted and rewritten comment about the bad protein) -- she wanted to know the name of the rep. Really? It's your company! You go find out who your social media representative is! I offered to forward her the emails from facebook as proof, but in the end she said she didn't need them and that she would make a one time exception to the rule to allow for the exchange.

A one time exception? Hello! SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!!?? The Guarantee was also not her department so I still have no idea what their guarantee is actually guaranteeing? The thing is, I'm a post-op WLS patient. Protein drinks will be a part of my life forever (well, I'm 42 -- so I'm hoping at least another 40 years or so!) Their protein, no matter how good one batch may or may not be, should be able to be returned anytime if it's a gamble everytime I order that it will be consistent. And their telling me that this is my one shot at returning a product I'm not satisfied with? Well then . . . hmmm . . . Let's do a little math here. It costs right around $250 each time I order and I have to order at least twice a year. That's $500 per year for at least 40 years. That means in my lifetime I will spend at least $20,000 on protein with them . . . or not them. Customer service is important, and unless they change their "back of the invoice policy" and start thinking long term, I will be shopping for another recommendation for you all. 

They are picking up my bad protein Monday and shipping out the new stuff out on Tuesday or Wednesday (after the new batch is finished). I will keep you updated.

So that is my rant. Sorry it was so long -- but I really feel you all needed to know this information, so I didn't hold back. Now on to my yesterday:

April 14, 2011

As you probably can guess, I'm on protein shake strike right now. I have been instead substituting my usual shake with either a chicken breast or 0% Greek Yogurt until my new batch of protein arrives. I do have other brands, like the Health Wise Hot Chocolate and Celebrate Vitamins Brand Complete Nutrition Protein Drink in Vanilla Cake Batter flavor. They are both good -- The health wise isn't loaded with protein though (15g -- but there are only 80 calories, so if I drink a double serving I'll get 30g for only 160 calories. I think I'll start doing that until my new shipment arrives) and the Vanilla Cake Batter complete nutrition is really good and as a bonus a double serving gives you 100% of your calcium and vitamins each day. However, it really is like drinking vanilla cake batter (even the same consistency) and there is only so much cake batter you can drink before you're just over it!

So for breakfast I chose:

1 frozen Tyson Grilled Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Golden Miso Sauce

I know, unusual choice for breakfast, but I am just trying to make the best out of my current situation for now.

Lunch was "Lobster Salad." It was good and only slightly on the naughty side *wink*

5 ozs Imitation Lobster
2 Celery Stalks (diced)
1 Tbsp Mayo (yep the real stuff)
1 Tbsp Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
Ted & Barney Seasoning to taste 

I always fell a little guilty when I use Mayonnaise, but in this salad the yogurt by itself doesn't cut it for me. (plus I figured I had a few extra calories saved from breakfast to use to make up for it).

My husband and I were invited to a dinner for Goulds Pump Dealers, so I got to eat dinner out. The choices were Chicken Parmesan, Cheese Lasagna, or Tri-Tip. I of course chose Tri-Tip as the other options were too carb packed with the breading or the pasta. I asked my server for a togo box before my food got there (which she happily obliged). I did eat about four bites of my green salad (avoiding the parts with dressing) and when my meal arrived, I boxed up the salad and most of my entree (then put the remaining entree onto my salad plate to psych my head out and make it believe I had a whole plate of food. I never eat off the big plates anymore -- they're just too over whelming! I ended up eating:

1/8 cup Green Salad
2 oz Tri-Tip
5 sauteed Mushrooms
2 spears Asparagus

Dinner was quite wonderful and as an added bonus, I am feeding the rest of it to my husband as round 2 tonight! (He normally doesn't eat leftovers, but for this, he'll make an exception!)

The bad news is, I didn't workout. (Don't worry tomorrows post will not say the same) That said, here are my daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 580
Calories Burned: BMR Only
Protein: 72g
H2O: 3L

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