Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

OK, so not much to tell for yesterday. I was so busy trying to pack and tie up loose ends before we leave this afternoon, that I didn't really eat or exercise. I know -- NOT healthy!! I am going to try to do better and make some conscious effort, but I have about a million things to do and only 6 more hours to get them done. Wish me luck. I will not be posting tomorrow, as I will be spending the day on an airplane and/or in an airport somewhere, and when I get home to Hawaii, I will just want to relax! I will post my today stuff combined with tomorrow stuff on Thursday. Anyway, no more time for rambling, so here we go . . .

February 7, 2011

Breakfast was split in half by my volunteer day in Kana's class so I drank as much of my shake as I could before, and finished it after (hour old shakes really lose something in their texture -- not as yummy during round 2). I again made a "Sometimes You Don't" shake

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani SF Coconut
4 oz H2O
18 Ice cubes (to make it extra thick)

Lunch was non-existent. I didn't "forget" I was just too busy to stop.

I was too lazy to make myself something for dinner, so instead, I ate the toppings off a slice of pizza. Hey, Cheese, Sausage, and Bacon are all protein foods so yeah . . .

exercise? Nope! (unless you count all the running around I did to pack and such). I'll swim extra laps once I get to Hawaii, cause today and tomorrow will probably also be a big Fail in that department!

Sorry for the very short post, but I still have lots to do to get ready! Aloha

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