Monday, February 28, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened

You'll never believe what happened on the way to go workout yesterday . . . I actually went to workout. Yes, after an entire week of being lazy, Jaime kicked my butt and made me come do the "Bender Ball" workout with her. We did all three levels of core training --  Something about being a tortilla instead of a loaf of bread? I don't even know what that means?? And we did as much of the Buns and Thighs workout as we could get through. I gave myself a headache doing the core training one -- something about the pilates type workouts cause me to do something weird with my neck that ends up causing me to get a headache. I did the same thing doing the "Hip Hop Abs" DVD workouts too. I'm pretty sure Coach Trev will call me at some point today so I can join the new gym and get back to a regular exercise routine. I'm excited to join because I get 2 free personal trainer sessions so I can really maximize my workouts, and hopefully have what I do with my neck during core training type stuff pointed out to me so I can correct it.

Food wise, I was food Wise. I made some great choices yesterday. At the end of the day I had consumed 676 calories and 75g of protein. I started using an online chart calculator for my calories so I'm gonna start posting the end of the day result here for you all.

February 27, 2011

Breakfast was my usual -- a protein shake. This time I made "Chocolate Covered Cherries" flavor. It was great! I think starting the day off with something healthy, that tricks you into thinking your having dessert is maybe the reason I no longer crave real sweets? Who knows, but it use to be that every tooth in my head was a "sweet tooth" and now, I really don't have any sweet tooth to speak of. Anyway, here's my recipe:

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
3 oz Torani Sugar-Free Black Cherry Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

Tasted great with no noticeable protein smell or flavor! The key to weight loss is having a protein that you not only just tolerate, but actually enjoy. I wasn't sure how I was ever gonna gag down my protein in the beginning, before I found the SEI brand protein powder which is better tasting and has less of a protein smell than the other brands I tried -- but once I figured out the SF syrup thing to mask the protein smell, I knew I could do this for life without a problem. Now the hardest thing about having my shake is figuring which delicious flavor I'm gonna make today -- and that's a great recipe for success!

Lunch was an imitation crab salad. It was good and gave me the right fuel for my workout with Jaime.

2 oz Imitation Crab (minced)
1/2 small Avocado (diced small)
1 stalk Celery (diced small)
1 small handful Chopped Green Onion Tops
1 tsp Mayonnaise

Dinner here was a breakfast for dinner night. Why is it that breakfast food tastes so much better in the evening? I don't know, but it's one of my family's favorites. We had "choose your own filling" omelets, with pleanty of healthy stuff to choose from. My choices were:

1/2 cup Egg Beater 100% Egg Whites
1 slice Ham Lunch Meat (diced)
1 Babybel Light Cheese
1/4 Avocado
3 Asparagus Spears
2 Tbsp Pico De Gallo

Yummy and 22g of protein! What a great way to end the day.

Oh and for all of you still baffled or in suspense regarding yesterday's enigma. "Graham" is apparently an ingredient. Jaime's husband Robert looked it up online. "The true graham cracker is made with graham flour, a combination of fine-ground white flour and coarse-ground wheat bran and germ" (quote from wikipedia). I still don't know what the flavor is -- maybe the bran and grem and honey? The funniest thing is that they were invented my a Presbyterian minister to help control peoples primal carnal urges, which he considered unhealthy and the source of many maladies! LOL! Maybe that's why when you're eating s'mores you don't masturbate. I always thought it was because you didn't want to get the melted hot marshmallow in/on your . . . oh, nevermind! 

*Still luaghing* See you all tomorrow

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