Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sprained Ankles and charity rip-offs -- another crazy day in the life of Me

What a Saturday! So much to tell, it doesn't feel like I could have possibly took place in the course of  less than 24 hours. But it did.

February 5, 2011

First, it was my weight loss "sponsor", Kayla's birthday, so  . . . Happy Birthday Kayla!!! Love you girl.

I knew this morning when I woke up that my schedule was going to be a bit askew, due to a dinner put on by the Rotary club, and that I would have to make adjustments. So, I changed up my meal times to fit my schedule. Since dinner started at 7 and normally I eat dinner at 5, then stop eating for the day. Today was gonna be a challenge!

I started my day off with a Knudsen 100 calorie pack fruit and cottage cheese duo. I got them at Costco, and even though I lose a little protein eating one of these rather than just having a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese -- I have almost a full case of these things in my refrigerator, and I need to finish them. I bought them thinking they would be great on the go, then never eat on the go. I do like the addition of the pineapple, but will probably not buy them again. If I had a job where I worked away from home, they would be great to throw in a lunch box, but cottage cheese in a bento compartment would do just as well and you'd still be 6g of protein ahead.

Britton wanted to hang out with his friends to celebrate his upcoming birthday (we'll be in Hawaii then and we leave Tuesday afternoon), so he made arrangements for them all to go to the Arcata Skate Park. The thing is, they didn't want to skate -- they wanted to bike. Luckily, only Britton and Jared needed rides there, because to take bikes means we have to take them in the truck -- meaning besides the driver, there is only room for 2 more people in the cab. Dan agreed to drive them after a couple jobs he needed to do in the morning. They decided to leave at 11am. The problem? My Overeaters Anonymous meeting starts at 11 on Saturdays. What would I do with Kana? Luckily, I called my friend Jaime, who was planning on going to the park right across the street from my meeting to exercise with her cousin and kids, so she agreed to have Kana join them, and I could meet up after my meeting. This helped me in 2 ways, not only did it allow me to attend my meeting, but it got me to make up for the exercise day I missed on Wednesday (as normally I don't exercise on weekends).

I threw a "Sometimes You Don't" protein shake in the blender to drink during my meeting:

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
6 oz H2O
9 Ice Cubes
(This shake tasted just like the 1st bite of an Almond Joy, before you get to the almond part which is why I call it Sometimes You Don't as in Sometimes you feel like a nut . . .
I didn't call it a Mounds shake, because Mounds are made with dark chocolate and Almond Joys are made with milk chocolate, and my protein powder is flavored like milk chocolate.)

Got Kana ready and took him to Jamie's. Then headed to my meeting.

When my meeting got out, I went across the street to the park and met up with Jaime, her cousins, and the kids. We girls did some arm and leg exercises, then we all went for a hike.Kana got tired about half way through, but despite the periodic meltdown, kept going. He ended up making all the way around . . . . almost. About 50ft before the end of the trail, there is a steeper "shortcut" which the kids wanted to take. Kana made it half way down the shortcut right side up and the other half semi-upside-down. He sprained his ankle pretty bad, and banged up his knee. So he is back on crutches -- BUMMER!

I got Kana home, and situated on the couchm turned on cartoons and made sure his DSiXL was within his reach, got his crutches and made sure they were handily available for him, fed him, and in no time he was sound asleep!

Now, time to feed myself again. It was late enough I could have a snack to hold me over for my late scheduled dinner.

1/2 small  Avocado
2 Tbsp Salsa
Almond Nut-Thins
1/2 Homemade Salami (Very Low Lean)

Weird combo, I know. But I wanted Guacamole and chips (the Nut-Thins almost have the texture of a thick corn chip) and I threw the homemade salami in because I needed the protein.

Dan got home from work and I went to pick up the boys (because I wanted to find something new to wear to dinner, but ended up being unsuccessful) Got home, made the kids dinner, got ready, and off we went to the dinner.

The company was good, the food was not. The money draw and the bingo was either screwed up or fixed. After years of disappointment, we have decided we are NEVER going again. There are better ways to spend $150 than this scam! The tickets price would be reasonable enough, for that you (supposedly) get steak and lobster for 2 and are entered into the big cash drawing. This year it was steak and some type of beef roast that caused charcoal black grease to be all over your plate (I didn't eat it, but the grossness of where it had been on my plate was unappetizing) The lobster tails were varying degrees of doneness. (Not being able to use butter to cover up the true flavor, only I knew they didn't taste good -- but I had to eat it for the protein or wait even longer to drink a shake at 10:30 at night. Bummer for my new habit of chewing before I swallow, not having to do so would have come in handy right about now.)

The drawing for the $$ and simultaneous bingo game were the final straw! The numbers they called were either made up as part of a scam, or were severely mishandled by a drunk. Either way, a lot of people got ripped off. They called the number 10 twice, both during the bingo game portion, and the number 40 twice, once during bingo and once after. The thing is I went up and looked at the board after the 40 was called the second time, and it was not up there other than the last time we heard it. I had a sheet to keep track of the numbers called, not in order, but checked off a list as did several people at our table, and we all heard and saw both 10 and 40 come up twice. Also,  on the way out we said good night to some people at a table on the other side of the room and they too said they called those exact same numbers more than once, so it wasn't just that I was wrong. They were cheating us. One man was told he did not have a valid black out (worth $300) bet it had the number 40 on his board without even looking at it. OK, I am done with this rant, it's a waste of my energy -- but I will say this, Ferndale Rotary will NEVER get another dime from me.

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