Friday, February 25, 2011

Loving My Scale Today!

I can't wait until the kids go back to school. I still can't seem to manage to find time for myself and be their independent study teacher all at the same time. Thankfully, today should get everything finished up and then I can sneak away and go join the new gym. I think I'm still harboring something against the old gym and simply don't want to go there, so instead, I've been doing nothing.

On the bright side of my life, I just weighed in (a morning late for my 3 month mark) and I've lost 5 more pounds -- Making the official total . . . (drum roll please) . . . 48 lbs lost & 82 lbs to go.  Yay me!

OK so now on to yesterday's menu:

February 24, 2011

Breakfast was another winning concoction inspired by the day after I had surgery (well, not for me personally, but for everyone else). Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake! YUM

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
2 oz SF Torani Pumpkin Pie Syrup
4 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

Even my kids wanted to try this one! So you know it was really good.

Lunch was our main meal of the day -- even got the hubby to come home to eat with us . . . well, sort of. He was in the building, but by the time he helped the customer who showed up just as we were sitting down, the rest of us were finished and his food was cold. (he was out there for an hour after all) I wasn't gonna make everyone wait OR eat cold food! So, here's what I had:

3oz Baked Chicken Breast
1 cup Green Salad
1 tsp Parmesan Cheese
2 tsp Abruzzi House Dressing

Everyone else's menu was Baked Chicken, Tortellini, & Green Salad. I can't eat tortellini, but got an inspired idea as I sat the Parmesan Cheese on the table. and mixed everything I could have together and called it a Chicken Cesar Salad!

Dinner around here was a quick and easy fend for yourself kind of evening. (OK, for Kana -- I made him what he wanted, but Dan and Britton were on their own!) Kana and I were on the same wave length, so we both had Brie and Green Grapes -- one of our favorite meals! For my portions:

1 1/2 oz Brie
1/2 cup Green Grapes

It was sinfully good, and provided me with protein so it was a win-win for me! I did get hungry at around 10pm so I did something I don't usually do, but have been told it is an OK option and a good time to have liquid protein, so I had:

1 packet Health Wise Grape Protein Drink
8 oz H2O

It kinda tasted like grape Kool-Aide, and added an extra 15g of protein to my day. It was so yummy that, I may have to go on my Dr's website and order more soon (for now I have 13 packets left). If any of you want the website to order them, leave me a comment and I will post it in a reply comment. Good tasting protein is so hard to find!

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