Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back From Paradise

Sorry to all of you waiting for my blog post while I was in Hawaii. I sort of went tech-free for the duration. It's just not the place you want to be online in. I did not keep daily track of what I ate or did exercise wise, but here is a brief run down of my time there:

Food -- After hauling all that protein powder and SF syrup with me, I only had 5 shakes while I was there (about one every other day) -- I left it all there for next time though. It was good I took the Torani, because I couldn't find it anywhere to buy. Guess I will have to depend on finding free shipping offers and buy the stuff online when I'm there. Smoothiemeover.com has free shipping with a $150 order (which would be 24 bottles-- that should hold me over for a while) -- I'm thinking about placing an order and sending it to my neighbor there to keep for me until I come back. I did make mostly protein choices while there (which, yes, included SPAM lite!). I always had cold leftover Korean Chicken in the frige for a quick protein snack (I made either Dan or Jerome BBQ it every other night. I also kept Char Siu Pork readily available. Poke and fresh Sushimi were also staples. Edamame was also big on my foods list. I did eat a small amount of rice from time to time (either 2 tsp fulls at breakfast of SPAM lite, eggs, and rice -- or as part of a sushi roll) even though it's not really on my list, but I did intentionally keep the portions of it very small. I successfully stayed away from my FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE candy in the entire world that is only available in Hawaii -- Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Hershey Kisses . . . did I mention that these were my favorite? Funny thing is, I don't really have much of a sweet tooth anymore, so it wasn't too hard to deny myself. I did make a sugar-free low fat cheesecake for me and our neighbor Al to enjoy during Britton's birthday party . . . but the 1st bite hit my "I can't swallow anymore food" spot and made me feel like I was choking (but not choking) and caused me to start sneezing as a reaction to being full -- so I didn't even get to enjoy any of it! I was OK with having a piece during a special occasion (even thought I ended up not being able to), but I didn't want to have it around, so I gave it all away to my neighbors. Everyone loved it, so on the next special occasion, I will probably make it again and post the recipe then -- unless you guys want the recipe for almost guilt free dessert now. If so, leave me a comment and I will post it for you.

Activity -- I went swimming in our community pool a couple times while we were there. It's funny, I remember swimming laps being much easier back in PE class in high school! I hiked the trail at Akaka Falls (in the opposite direction of the suggested loop, so it was more uphill!). I also Hikes the World Botanical Gardens . . . and went zip-lining!!!! We went for walks around, spent some time at Pohiki beach, and oh yeah, I got my Hawaiian drivers license (OK, I know, it isn't exercise -- I'm just excited about it! Haven't wanted to be asked for ID this much since I was 16 yrs old! LOL)

So in a coconut shell, I wasn't always "good" but I wasn't ever "bad" either. I didn't lose any weight while there, but didn't gain any either -- which in and of itself, is amazing. The food in Hawaii is so ono (delicious) that it's just so easy to get fat there! I've never been there without gaining at least a couple pounds -- until now that is! So I am counting this trip as a victory.

Now, just as my trip to Hawaii came to an end, so must the portion of today's blog about it. Back in California -- boo hoo! Back to reality -- boo hoo! Back to protein shakes on a regular basis! I have to go back to cash and carry to get more SF Torani sometime this week, but am making due with what I have left for now. Aloha!

February 21, 2011

Well, we got home to some obnoxious (or possibly just noxious) smell coming from our fridge. YUCK!!! I usually empty it before we go -- but we normally go for a month at a time -- this time we were only gone for 11 days. I thought it would be OK -- I thought WRONG! So we threw everything in the fridge away, placed baking soda and coffee inside and avoided opening it all day! The point? Our diet consisted of nothing refrigerated.

Breakfast for me was a "Lemon Cream" Protein shake -- no ice! It didn't have the consistency I liked, but tasted the same as it usually does. Here's the recipe if you haven't already seen it (but it contains the ice -- just cause I couldn't have ice, doesn't mean you should make it like that!)

2 Scoops Vanilla Ultra Max Protein Powder by SEI Pharmaceuticals
2 Oz Torani SF Lemon Syrup
4 Oz H2O
9 Ice cubes

Lunch was some SPAM lite that we had in the cupboard, sliced thin and fried crispy (without oil).

Dinner was courtesy of our friend Annie who sent us home with a cooler full of frozen Lau Lau. Thanks Annie! For those of you who have never had Lau Lau -- they are small pieces of meat and fish wrapped in taro leaves (similar to spinach, but different) and then the whole thing gets wrapped in a ti leaf to steam (you don't eat the ti leaf). It was ono! And, we still have a bunch in the downstairs freezer for a taste of Hawaii later! YUM.

Activity -- not so much. The kids got independent study for the days they missed school and I spent the whole day helping them. I didn't even realize it was almost 8pm before we quit. So, I'll try better today!

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