Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Longest (Hungry) Yard

OK, so remember when I promised to be honest with you? This is where I put my money where my mouth is, and show you all that, as promised, I'm keeping my word. Yesterday was not a good day for me choice-wise. So, I will share with you both the good and the bad, and then I will move on and work on making healthier choices for today.

February 2, 2011

The day started out good. I had a "Lemon Creme" protein Shake for breakfast. I am so loving coming up with new combinations of flavors every day. Definitely helps with not burning out on the "same ol' thing" shake. As they say variety is the spice of life! My recipe for today's spice of life was:

2 Scoops Vanilla Ultra Max Protein Powder by SEI Pharmaceuticals
2 Oz Torani SF Lemon Syrup
6 Oz H2O
9 Ice cubes

Blended it all until smooth and frothy, and enjoyed!

I know what you're thinking, so far so good -- nothing unhealthy about anything yet. Have patience, it's early, and the day is just getting started.

It took an hour to finish my shake to avoid hiccups (happens if I drink too fast). So I spent from 7:30 - 8:30 drinking my shake. Then an hour later I felt "hungry" -- Now I know that I shouldn't feel hungry after 28oz of protein, but I wanted to eat lunch already and I had to wait 2 1/2 hours to get to do so. My stomach even growled a few times! I made myself stay busy doing ADOS stuff (If you're new, you can read yesterday's post to find out what this means). I told myself that hunger is not an emergency and successfully made myself wait until noon.

For those of you short on patience, don't worry -- it's coming. The day is less then 1/2 over. I was at this stage of the game for the most part proud of myself and for the rest conning myself into thinking I would do all the things I needed to do but had not yet done, later.

I called my cousin Latisha and met her for lunch. I met her at noon at her business with a 1/2 order of take out Chinese chicken salad. We split it and I ate 1/2 of my 1/2 (which was about 3/4 cup give or take) It took me about 30-40mins to eat it and we visited until just after 1pm.

By 2:00, I was again thinking about food. What the heck was going on???

I again kept myself occupied and away from any food sources so as to continue to do the right thing. I went and picked up a refill from the pharmacy, picked my kids up from school, and took Britton to his Dr appt. But, eventually the errands were all done and we headed home.

By now it was 4:30, and I bartered with myself that 4:30 is an ok time for an early dinner. So I proceeded to have:

6 Medium Prawns with Cocktail Sauce on shredded lettuce.
(I still felt hungry when finished, plus I craved something salty, so . . . back to the kitchen for:)
1/2 Cup White Cheddar "Pirate Booty" Puffs
(These are a gluten free baked corn and rice puff -- kinda like a healthier version of Cheetos, but not really an ok choice for me. Once again, still hungry. So back again for:)
1 Small slice of Cheddar Cheese
(Cause it was sharp and creamy and melted in my mouth, but still didn't give me any feeling of satiety, and now my craving turned to wanting something sweet, so again I went back)
1 frozen Logan Berry
1/2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
(at this point I felt guilty but no longer hungry, and I was done)

Remember above when I said I was conning myself that the things I needed to do would be taken care of later? Well, those things were both to finish the billing for the business so we can get paid, and to go workout . . . I did neither the entire day!

As far as billing goes, I have enough time to get it done before my deadline -- but as for the gym, in reality I probably knew when I woke up this morning, that I wouldn't go today, but tried to lie to myself about my intentions. There was a reason why in yesterday's post I said I wanted to change gyms. Something happened Monday that kinda ticked me off. One of the girls who works there told me that my face was too red after my workout which she just knew meant my heart rate was too high and told me that I had to slow down and reduce my incline to keep my heart rate lower next time. I was/am fully able to carry on a conversation at any given time during my workout, so I know I am in the right cardio zone and my face always turn red during a workout, ALWAYS! Could it possibly be because I'm Indian? Hence the term "Redskin"???

A bit of Kayla wisdom for the day: If you're not ugly when you leave the gym, you wasted your time! I am not there to show off how good I look in my cute new sweat suit! I'm there to get physical and make the most out of my time.

So there you have it -- Band or no band, everyday it is up to me to make choices to do and eat the right things. Most days I do pretty well -- today, not so much.

And now, moving on . . .

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