Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nothing Major -- Just Really, Really Busy

So, normally my posts are about yesterday, but since I haven't posted for a couple days, this post will be about Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday. Here we go:

March 26-28, 2011

Saturday --

I chose not to go to OA this morning. I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't do so great in making sure I got all my nutrients in, but I did take all my vitamins and drank all my water, so that's something.  Here's what I did manage to eat:

Breakfast was . . . (and here is where good intentions, end up being the beginning of my downfall) . . . NOT a protein shake! I had:

1/2 cup Egg Beaters
1/4 cup Crumbled Bacon
2 Tbsp Salsa

I woke up feeling like I needed to "eat" something -- and what I mean by that is that I needed to chew (there's just something mental about it). My thought process was that I would have a shake for lunch or in the car on my way to swimming, but yeah, that didn't happen. So lunch was non-existent.

By the time swimming had gotten over, I was really hungry. I didn't even balk at the really nice yogurt shop owner filling my "small" up a bit extra, and I didn't do the usual throw half away thing either. I ate the whole thing! I am guessing there were about:

8 oz Blueberry Tart Frozen Yogurt

Come dinnertime, I knew that I should have had a shake, but I didn't. Not only did I not chose a protein shake to ensure I go enough protein in, I tried to eat too big of a bite of meatball, which was also too hot -- causing me to swallow before chewing it up well enough. Instant stoma blockage! I was miserable and ended up throwing up "slime" for the next few hours. I couldn't even drink water for most of the rest of the night, because it ended up not being able to go past my espohagus. Remember when I said I wasn't gonna do that again? Well, I did. Sometimes it takes a few times to learn better . . . I guess!

Saturday's Stats:
Calories Consumed: 400 (plus any part of that 1st bite of meatball that may or may not have gone down instead of back up?)
Calories Burned: ?? 1 hour swimming
H2O: 2L
Protein: 30g

Sunday --

Again didn't start off with a protein shake. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) It was the VFW Sunday Breakfast. I ordered an all protein meal. I asked for:

Eggs Over Easy
1 Sausage Patty
Slice of Ham

I'm not sure whether to blame it on my eyes being bigger than my stomach (literally now!) -- or -- that I simply couldn't decide between the sausage or the ham. Either way, I obviously couldn't finish it all (or even half)! I ended up giving almost all of my sausage and 1/2 of my ham to my hubby and left 1/2 of my eggs on my plate.

Lunch was:

1 cup Homemade Split Pea Soup

I like having protein foods readily available, so it seems I eat leftovers a lot lately. My friend Kayla makes protein foods in advance so they will be readily available all week long. I may start doing that too.

Dinner was again, not a protein shake! I know, I was bad this weekend, but I did make something PACKED with protein. I cooked cod with a little Pam, Salt & Pepper, and Lime. I also made some delicious Pico De Gallo. Then turned it all into Fish Tacos for the family. I however bypassed the tortilla (even though I bought the carb conscious kind -- I'm just afraid to get blocked again!) I had:

4 oz Cod (That's 41g protein for those looking for protein rich foods)
1/4 cup Pico De Gallo

I mixed it all together and it was wonderful! The fish tacos were so tasty that, my oldest son, Britton (who "hates" seafood -- most of which without even tasting it) LOVED them! I don't have a lot of experience with seafood -- but I'm definitely going to get to know seafood better! If anyone has any great seafood recipes, I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday's Stats:
Calories consumed: 648
Calories Burned: Sunday = Day Off
Protein: 69g
H2O: 3L

Monday --

The Gym this morning was cut short because I had so much to do today, but I did manage to burn 500 calories, I thought if I got any extra time I would grab another workout at home, but the day didn't afford me that luxury today. At least I did burn 500.

Breakfast was . . . YAY! A protein shake!!! I had a "Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. They really are my new favorite, and with good reason -- they're delicious!

Lunch was a left over portion the Cod and Pico De Gallo from last night.

I got hungry before dinner, so I had a snack, and yes . . . I chose Popcorn (AGAIN!) I know I need to find a way to kick the carb snack habit of popcorn, but today wasn't going to be the day I was going to figure that problem out! I had:

1 bag Healthy Choice 100 Calorie Pack 94% Fat-Free Microwave Popcorn

Because the day was so busy, I didn't have time to actually cook, so dinner was an everyone grab whatever night. Kana had Chicken Dino-Nuggets, Britton had a Lean Cuisine meal, Dan had a sandwich, and I had:

12 oz Homemade Split Pea Soup

What I didn't eat, I froze -- because I hadn't done so yet, and I didn't want to have to throw it away.

Monday Stats:
Calories Consumed: 734
Calories Burned: 500
Protein: 100
H2O: 2.5L

So there was my "the last 3 days post" sorry for the lag, sometimes life just gets in the way.

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