Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Better Late Than Never

I know, you all probably thought I wasn't gonna post today. I understand why you'd think that as I usually post in the morning, but at least it better late than never . . . right? I'm still stuck in that blah state of mind -- gotta snap out of it! Anyway, here's yesterday for ya:

March 8, 2011

So the alarm didn't go off this morning. Did my subconscious not set it on purpose? I have been tired, maybe I wanted to sleep in and take a day off that I didn't get this weekend? Or did I simply forget? Who knows? Either way . . . I did not workout today!

Breakfast was Torani sweetened yogurt with fruit:

1 cup Chobani Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup
1/2 cup Green Grapes (quartered)

Now a cup and a half is a lot for a post-opie, but when you eat slowly, it doesn't feel like overload. I think the yogurt drops into the larger portion of my stomach pretty quickly. That's why I added the grapes. I think I need more fluid in my band. I see Dr Cirangel on the 14th, so I am going to ask him for another 1-1.5cc's to bring me up to 8-8.5cc's total. I really need to find my band's "sweet-spot" because I am just about of will-power alone. That, I think is the reason for the blah's I'm feeling towards my eating/drinking schedule. I feel like I just don't care -- and I NEED to care! This is my life and my health we're talking about. I definitely do need to care.

Lunch went a little something like this: I had a little conversation with myself that sounded like this in my head -- "Self, you need to make a protein shake, since I didn't have one for breakfast . . . I know but it seems like a lot of effort to put out, how about a tablespoon of peanut butter instead . . . well peanut butter does have protein and it's much easier to just open the jar and scoop that go through the whole blender thing . . . Alrighty then, peanut butter it is!"

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

Of course when you opt for a spoonful of peanut butter as a meal -- you're gonna get hungry before your next scheduled meal time, so by 2:00, my stomach was growling. I again repeated pretty much the same conversation with my self that I had just 2 hours earlier, knowing I did need to make my protein shake or it probably wouldn't get done today. Guess what? I opted for popcorn!

1 bag Healthy Pop 100 Calorie Pack Butter Flavor Microwave Popcorn

OK, I decided something had to give. Maybe if I tried to cook something healthy and new for my family's dinner, that I would get inspired, somehow, and break out of this . . . whatever it is . . . or isn't!?! So I saw this recipe for "bites" on the world according to eggface, so I thought I'd try it. I had:

Bacon Cheeseburger Bites
1/2 cup Fruit Salad (Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Bananas)

The recipe was good. Dan and Kana both liked them a lot -- Britton, not so much. What can I say? He's a teenager and his taste buds are primarily set for fast food and pizza, but he is trying. He did eat them, he just didn't really like them, but he said that he will keep eating healthy food until it starts to seem like "real food" LOL!

So, that's it. That was my day. My calorie counter is still down, so I don't have daily stats for you. I think I'm gonna have to get a new widget to count my calories. Maybe I can find an app on my phone to track calories -- that would be convenient. We'll see.

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