Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Did I Keep Up The Pace?

For those of you who are wondering if I was able to make Friday night's faster pace my new "regular pace" . . . the answer is . . . YES YES YES! Yes I can -- Si se puede -- and for all the other languages I don't know how to say yes I can in please find a translator and ask them to tell you what this means: Yes I can! I kept it up and yesterday morning I burned 827 calories and hiked just a little over 3 miles. I was thinking it would have been cool if I would have started keeping track of how far I went from the beginning so at the end of this weight loss journey I would know how far I had to go to get there . . . in miles. To think less than 4 months ago I could barely walk 4 blocks slowly without getting winded (of course my stomach was up inside my chest cavity displacing my lungs which made it harder, but still.) and now I can hike 4 miles straight uphill at a very steep grade at a pretty quick pace!

Let me tell you what else I did:

March 15, 2011

OK so the tighter band definitely make a big difference. It takes much longer to eat food and drink my shakes. Today it took me 3 1/2 hours to get my shake down -- well, not really a shake -- it was really more of a fruit and protein smoothie. I have never really made a post-op smoothie before, but Fat free Greek yogurt has just about the same amount of protein in is as a scoop of protein powder and just about the same number of calories. Here is my recipe:

1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
4 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup
1 cup Fage 0% Fat Greek Yogurt
3 large Strawberries
10 Green Seedless Grapes
1 Little Cuties Tangerine
12 Ice Cubes

This concoction had more calories than my regular shake because of the added fruit -- but it also had added fiber, which is a good thing. Plus, it did take a very very long time to finish.

Lunch was the last of the leftover Korean Chicken. I had 4oz and am relearning to chew, chew, chew. Because I have not been restricted, I sometime don't chew enough to "manually puree" my food with my teeth. I am considering more heavily the idea of starting from scratch and doing a week or two of protein liquids, then a week of "mushies" then start again on solids and retrain myself to the very small bites and lots of chewing. Which seems like a great idea while it is currently taking me so long to drink my shakes anyway, and maybe it will boost my weight loss rate again. Maybe tomorrow? We'll see.

I was really full still at dinner time, so I just had a Tbsp of Peanut Butter mostly because it was easy and small, and also because I'm in a whole new learning phase of how to fuel myself with the new tightness. I'll figure it out.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 575
Calories Burned: 827
Protein: 73.5g

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