Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unshakable, Even Under Stress!

Well, we're still here . . . and we stayed dry! Our Hawaii home also suffered no damage, thankfully. I hope all of you can say the same. Even though we were personally unscathed, wow, what a wild day! My only person I am really concerned about is a neighbor of mine in Hawaii, Koji, who is a Japanese National. He is in Hawaii for 6 months, then in Japan for 6 months. He left for Japan the morning of the 10th and so far no one has yet heard from him. Sending out love and positive energy that he is safe. My friend Loretta's store in Kona took a hit, but she has not been able to go in and assess the situation yet as the water caused electrical problems and they can not go into the building due to safety issues. Sending her angels to assist with any clean-up necessary. My business partner Shankari, is currently in Bali so she was not in her home in Hawaii. I talked to her and she is OK, I pray her home is intact when she returns, and all is well. Through out it all, I must say, I did fantastic with my choices! Stress did not break me. Let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 11, 2011

We did not get up at 5:30 to hit the gym for three reasons (1) we like Friday night workouts because we can workout longer and it's almost empty on Friday nights, (2) that means we can sleep in on Fridays, and (3) ummmm . . .hello! tsunami warnings! LOL! Just kidding about #3 actually Britton didn't even know about the earthquake in Japan or the tsunami that followed until he work up -- but I did.

So Breakfast was 3 leftover "bites". Today was the either eat them or toss them day, so I ate a few and tossed the rest. They really are good, healthy,  and as warmed leftovers -- a quick option for a meal. The morning was more about keeping updated on what was happening.

Lunch was still more leftovers! It's been a leftovers kind of week, it seems! I had:

2 oz Chinese BBQ Pork

This part of my day was still more about contacting those I was worried about and letting others know I was safe.

Because I did not eat much for breakfast or lunch, I got hungry around 3. The excitement was over and now I could focus on my nutritional needs. I know what you're all thinking -- "Khrysti, make a protein shake, because you haven't had one all day!" But I have plans for that shake, so just don't you worry about that. I wanted a snack. Now for those of you who read this regularly you know that popcorn is my favorite snack food currently. I am also big on peanut butter. I deserved both today after the morning and early afternoon I had -- right? Well at least I thought so! I had:

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 pack Healthy Pop 94% Fat Free 100 Calorie Pack Popcorn

I ate them while having a "movie time" with Kana -- we watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

So like I said, I had plans for my shake. I needed it as fuel before Britton and I hit the gym tonight. Remember a few days ago I told you I wanted to hit 1000 calories burned in a single workout? Well, I didn't hit it -- *Theme song from Rocky playing* I broke it! I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone (way beyond) and burned 1050 calories and hiked 4 miles straight uphill (15.0 incline) in 1 hour! YAY! Britton could not believe it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the fuel I put in the tank before I did this. I had a "Mounds" Shake":

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
3 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

So that was my tsunami day. Here are my daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 690
Calories Burned: 1050!!!!!
Protein" 76.5g

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