Friday, March 25, 2011

Slacker Much? Yep.

OK, so I know I haven't blogged for the last 2 days. I thought about it several times, but just didn't ever get past the thinking about it part. I didn't want my post to go something like this: "Damn this burn hurts, pity, pity, boo-hoo, blah, blah, blah, did I tell you how much this damn thing hurts? blah, blah, blah . . ." But in the midst of it all -- that was really all I could think to write! I did make wise choices with my food over the last few days, but have not worked out (well there was one attempt, but as soon as I started to sweat, I was like, "oh hell no!" So I didn't attempt that again since. However, I think today is the day to get back to it. I am feeling MUCH better now. But as you all know, this post isn't about what I'm doing today. Let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 24, 2011

Breakfast was a new concoction I called "Creamsicle." It was the first protein shake I have ever made, that was actually better after it sat for a while (I made it, drank a little, sat it down, and forgot it for an hour or so.) I think I will make it in advance when I want this flavor from now on. Here is the recipe:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Orange Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

I decided to make a new batch of Split Pea Soup for Lunch. (I need to get the leftovers frozen into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer for a few protein packed lunches made easy.) Here is my recipe:

16 oz bag Dried Split Peas
5 Celery Sticks (diced)
4 large Carrots (diced)
4 large Cloves of Garlic (diced)
8 oz Lean Turkey Ham (diced)
And I don't know how much H2O (because I don't measure it -- just fill the pot up!)

I used some a few of the Bacon Wrapped Fillets I got in that Meat Box I bought from the home delivery guy last week. They were really good. Plus, they are perfectly portioned, individually wrapped, 6 oz cuts. I paired it with a salad made with Lettuce, Tomato, & Cucumber. And for the rest of my family, Au Gratin Potatoes. I had:

1/2 Fillet (approximately 3 oz)
1 cup Green Salad (without dressing of course!)

I didn't exercise today due to the sunburn so the only calories burned were my BMR (which may have been higher than normal anyway, while my body is in repair mode!) So here are my Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 621
Calories Burned: --
Protein: 81g
H2O: 3L

P.S. -- I know yesterday was my updated photo deadline, but as soon as the redness turns into the "Golden Goddess" shade -- it will be updated! Until then, a little patience!

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