Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meetings? Maybe.

Well, I finally went back to OA. I'm not sure if those meetings are the right place for me, but as an Angel Therapist, I know that our thoughts and words have power, so if I do decide to keep going, I have decided that I WILL NOT say "I'm Khrystine and I'm a compulsive over-eater." (CCD) Because that statement manifests my reality and my reality is that, that is not my reality. I may have over eaten in the past, but that does not define me. It is not who I am. It was a life lesson that I needed to learn, have learned it, and now I am moving. I, in my past have also been raped by my step-father, but I would never introduce my self as, "I'm Khrystine and I'm a rape victim." (CCD) It just really doesn't make sense. So we'll see what I decide to do about OA.

Yesterday was a good day all in all. Let me tell you about it:

March 12, 2011

Breakfast was my 1st wise choice for the day. I knew I was going to be busy all day, so the wise thing to do was to get my protein shake out of the way. I decided to try something new. Well really a new twist on an old recipe. I decided to add 2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Toasted Marshmallow to my "Lemon Creme" Shake to make "Lemon Meringue Pie" Shake:

2 Scoops Vanilla Ultra Max Protein Powder by SEI Pharmaceuticals
2 Oz Torani Sugar-Free Lemon Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Toasted Marshmallow
2 Oz H2O
12 Ice cubes

I hadn't seen my friend Mariette for a while, so after my meeting, the two of us met at Hunan's for lunch. We had a great visit & wonderful conversation. I definitely need to make more time to hang out with her. We always have so much fun together. After my failure dinner with the kids at Hunan's the other night, I knew I didn't want any Chinese Chicken Salad -or- BBQ Pork. But how many good options are there at a Chinese restaurant? Everything is either battered and fried, or slathered in some kind of oily, sugary, or otherwise unhealthy coating. I decided to make up my own healthier soup request. I asked for a 1/2 order of War Wonton Soup without the wontons. They put broccoli in it in place of the wontons. So it was like a mixed meat and veggie soup. It had Chicken, Shrimp, Pork, Broccoli, Snow Peas, Carrots, Mushrooms, and Spinach. I have never eaten soup that had thin broth with solid food together. Split pea soup had a thicker texture, but with thin broth I kind of felt like I was breaking my no liquids with my meal rule. My doctor is coming into town this evening (3/13/11) for a support group meeting, so I will have to ask about that and if it's OK or not? Either way, what's done is done. I had about 1/2 of the bowl they brought me. (approximately 1 cup) I ate all of the protein items out of the bowl, and some veggies (and yes, some of the broth).

After my visit with Mariette, it was home to pick up Kana and rush off to open swim, then his swimming lesson. Only once we got there, his teacher told us she forgot she added him to her schedule, and that she had to leave -- so we just swam together during free swim time (compliments of the swim instructor! literally FREE swim).

After swimming, we got to go for our treat . . . Fro-Yo! Yumm. I ordered a small cup of Blueberry-Pomegranate Yogurt. But the owner of the shop, being nice, kind of started to make an extra big small size cup. I had to tell him "whoa! that's plenty. Thanks" then I had to throw 1/2 of it away. I probably ate 6 oz, then I put it in the garbage. Something Kayla taught me to do -- thanks Kayla!

For dinner I made Korean Chicken and Rice (I didn't eat the rice). I was pretty hungry from swimming, and I was not 100% sure of my protein count for the day (though I did have protein with both lunch and frozen yogurt -- I just didn't know how much exactly, so I just counted those as "bonus protein"), so I had:

8 oz Korean Chicken

That's a double serving, but like I said I was hungry. Here are my stats for the day:
Calories consumed: Approximately 766
Calories Burned: Unknown, but swam for an hour
Protein: 82g + "bonus protein" (probably somewhere around 15 extra?)

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