Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

Sometimes, left to my own devices, I am truly, truly dangerous. Now, I'm not talking about the Whoo-hoo PARTY! kind of dangerous, I mean the holy crap what the hell was I thinking type of dangerous. The funny thing is, normally, I'm a pretty bright person, but on occasions, you just wouldn't know it! I once stabbed myself through the middle of my own hand in an attempt to remove an avocado pit (in a way that I had never done it before, and never will again!), but that was a long time ago, and this post really is about yesterday. So let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 21, 2011

For breakfast . . . OK, just kidding, I know you want to know what the momentary lapse of judgement was.

Well, let me just say, "boy is my face red!" I mean literally RED. I had the bright idea to lay in my tanning bed for 50 solid minutes this morning. Well, more like two 25 minute sessions back to back. The second one wasn't suppose to be the entire 25 minutes, but I fell asleep, so it was. Now, I've owned my own tanning bed for over seven years, so yesterday was not my first picnic -- you'd think I'd have known better. Truth be told -- I'm sure I did. My husband bought me the tanning bed for Christmas 2003, the year my youngest son was born. During my pregnancy with him, I developed an allergy to being cold. It's called "cold urticaria." Which means I am physically allergic to cold temperatures, and will break out in hives. An easy way to relieve the breakout is to rapidly warm up -- What better way to do so than lay in the tanning bed. Yesterday, however, was really, really cold, so when my first 25 minutes was up -- I was still cold. Now, I haven't replaced the bulbs in a few years, but I also don't use the bed that often (most times, it works double duty as a horizontal surface to put clean laundry on when I'm too lazy to fold them). So I originally thought that maybe my bulbs were low and needed to be replaced. I thought I would turn the bed on for another 25 minutes, but would get out as soon as I felt warm. A few minutes later, I fell sound asleep. I woke up when the bed went off. I immediately jumped up and went to a mirror to assess the damage. I looked fine (I certainly didn't look burned). I felt fine. I thought, "yep, time to replace those bulbs." But as the day progressed, so did the redness, swelling, and pain! Guess the bulbs are fine, it's the brain that needs replacing! So now I'm bright red, swollen (my eyes are almost swollen shut), and there is not an inch of skin that is not hurting -- told ya . . . DANGEROUS!

The day wasn't a total disaster though. I did find a new "shiny" -- the lights on my home treadmill. Before the burn set in, I discovered that "head hunger" is easily distracted away by telling yourself, every time I think I'm hungry when it's not mealtime, I'm gonna run off ___ calories, and by the time you're done, if the hunger wasn't real, it's gone. Squirrel! I love having this machine here available anytime I need it.

Now, on to breakfast. I decided to try something new this morning. I made a "White Chocolate Raspberry" Shake. It was good . . . slightly reminiscent of wedding cake. Here was my recipe:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Red Raspberry Syrup (I like this flavor better than their plain "Raspberry")
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free White Chocolate Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

And you thought I was gonna say Cookie Dough Ice Cream didn't you?

Somewhere between breakfast and lunch, I decided to forgo the liquid diet and start eating today. It occurred to me that the last time I did it, I was mostly in bed recuperating from surgery or walking small distances -- this time my calorie burn is so high that I really feel my body needs more substantial fuel. So I have moved on to soft foods. I did say a week or so -- so 4 days was enough to call it or so! Maybe I'm just weak, but I'm going to blame it on needing the energy anyway! Plus, I can't tell you how happy I was when lunch rolled around and I didn't have to pull out the blender (well not the big one anyway!). I decided to heat the last of my frozen leftover Split Pea Soup I had in the freezer. Not wanting to jump straight into eating solids again, I used my hand stick blender and pureed the soup before I ate it. I had:

1 cup Split Pea Soup

It was so wonderful to taste real food again! I really like my home-made split pea soup -- I'm thinking I should make a new batch sometime this week.

Dinner was the meat and chilies out of one of my Chicken Enchiladas I made for dinner Sunday night. It tasted way better than the broth, and chewing really is a wonderful thing! Oh yeah, and guess what? It didn't get stuck or cause any pain -- so that's a bonus. Maybe I didn't forget the rules, maybe I just didn't follow them completely, and now I will. I had:

4 oz Chicken Enchilada Filling (mostly Shredded Chicken breast)

So there was my CRAZY day, and here are my stats:
Calories Consumed: 586
Calories Burned: 1000
Protein: 81g
H2O: 2L

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