Sunday, March 20, 2011


OK, so NOW I'm hungry . . . I mean Really Hungry! I forgot how much the fluid only stage sucked! Why did I decide to do this again? Did I do this so I would remember what obsessing about food was like? Cause if so . . . that was DUMB!!! And what's worse -- the scale hasn't moved -- not even an ounce. I think I liked life better when I wasn't ever hungry and I didn't really care about food! Last time I did this it was for 3 weeks and now, I can barely stand it and it's only been 3 days. I'll need a huge cheering section if I'm gonna keep this up for the week I had planned to! Let me know you're out there guys! Squirrel!!!

Yay! Torani Syrup Cupboard. I bought some new flavors yesterday (and some extras of some old favorites!) Squirrel! Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, I think I was saying I want to get a pet squirrel and name him Torani, or something like that?? LOL!

Anyway, now that we're ALL distracted, here is my yesterday:

March 19, 2011

Breakfast was yet again another "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. What can I say? I'm a creature of habit! Plus, they really are delicious!

Went to my OA meeting today. Still not sure if they are the right place for me, but for the time being they'll work. But I'm still not saying their dreadful affirmation! I am actually thinking about trying to get a support group together of post-opies here locally, but it's not like I don't already have a million things on my plate, so I'm still just thinking about it. My doc, starting in May will be here once a month for support groups (as opposed to his current every other month schedule), so maybe that will be enough? We'll see.

After my meeting, I met Mariette for lunch at Hunan's. I know what you're thinking, "but Khrysti, you're on a liquids only diet right now?!" Yes. Yes I am. I had:

12 oz Tea
12 oz Water
12 oz Plain Won Ton Soup Broth

And a bunch of great conversation!

Saturdays mean swimming. We had a great time at the pool. I even decided to treat myself to some relaxation and hit the hot tub for a short while during Kana's swim lesson time.

Unfortunately, Saturdays also mean FroYo after swimming! OK, so not unfortunate, just boo hoo for me this week. Next week though, I'm so in! We usually stay and eat there, but I couldn't ADOS my way out of being enticed by the smell of the fresh made waffle cones (even though I don't even get waffle cones when I'm there, but still . . .), so I made Kana take his to go and eat it in the car on the way home (yes Kayla, in my beautiful Jag!). Actually we stopped at Cash N Carry to pick up some more Torani, so he really ate most of his yogurt there in the store while I shopped. It didn't make it back in the car with us from there.

Dinner was a . . . uh . . . well, I really don't know what to call it. I was going for a Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie shake, which I made, and it was good. The problem was that the memory of Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps kept confusing my taste buds! So now I don't know what to call it? LOL! Maybe I'll just call it a "Junior Mint" Shake. Chocolate and mint -- you get the idea! (but I will tag the recipe under all three so you can decide what works best for you!)

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

Well, that was it for my day! Squirrel!

Daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 492
Calories Burned: Unknown? Activity -- Swimming
Protein: 92g
H2O: 70 oz

Post note -- For those of you who are totally confused by the Squirrel reference, I'm gonna let you in on the joke: It from the Disney/Pixar movie UP! Some days I strive to be as highly distractable as that dog!

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