Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's Been A Grab & Go Day!

It's late. I know. What I really want to do is go to bed. What I really need to do is write today's blog. I've kind of been in a do what you want to do mode, but once you let yourself slack off on writing, it just gets easier and easier and easier. So, tonight as I type up this very late blog entry (that I'm suppose to do in the morning), I am making an attempt to force myself back into doing the right thing and writing this blog daily as I promised you I would. So here's what I did yesterday:

March 30, 2011

Britton jumped right up to hit the gym with me today. I guess that letting him sleep in and catch up on some Zzz's really paid off. I had a decent workout . . . Burned 886 calories!

Breakfast was a Luna Peanut Butter and Chocolate Protein Bar, because I was off to watch the morning performance of Kana's play. I would have made a shake and taken it with me if the morning just would have come with an extra 15 minutes! But it's times like these, that I bought these bars for in the first place. I'm so glad I had them available or I would have been too hungry by the time the play ended.

Lunch -- Sometimes it is better to cook your food the old fashioned way. Usually means a healthier option with more nutrients. However, there are also times when convenience wins out on so many levels that it just doesn't make sense not to do it the "new fashioned" way! Because life isn't always lived in an ideal world. Sometimes I just don't have the time, like this week. Not only are we finishing up with Kana's 5 day a week swim lessons or the fact that it is open house this week at school and Kana (being in a 2nd/3rd split class) is in the "3rd Grade" Play and they have performances every day this week and he wants me at all of them. (I have, however, learned all the words to every part -- in case they need an understudy come the actual open house performance!) Plus, this is the end of the month, which means, I need to get billing out . . . and the list goes on . . .

So for days (or weeks, months, whatever?) like this, I like to keep Tyson Frozen Grilled Breast Fillets on hand in the freezer. I love them because they're: quick and convenient, low calorie (110 per breast), and packed with protein (24g per breast). My son Britton, who is not a huge fan of protein shakes asks my why I just don't eat them instead of drinking shakes everyday since they lave less calories and more protein per serving. The answer -- Variety! There are only so many things you can do with a plain chicken breast, but thanks to Torani, the shake possibilities are endless. I did spice up my chicken breast though with something new today. I had:

1 (4 oz) Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Wasabi Mustard (as dipping sauce)

It was really good -- but I think anything with wasabi on top is good!

In between my lunch and dinner there was A LOT of running around (I'll spare you the details as I want to post this before it officially becomes a "two day's ago in my pouch" post) I was glad when swim lessons were over! That meant all I had left to do was feed everyone, do Kana's homework with him, and get him bathed and ready for bed. (Which by the way is also my bedtime so that I can get up at 5am the following morning!) So guess what dinner was? Yep . . . quick, easy, frozen chicken breasts for everyone! Add some easy mac and a salad for the kids, and everyone can be served a meal in under 15 minutes! My favorite -- aside from simply making reservations that is! I had:

1 (4 oz) Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Hot Salsa
1 individual pkg Light Cheddar Cheese

I nuked the Chicken Breast, spread salsa and shredded cheese on top of it, and put back into microwave just until the cheese melted. Yummy, easy, and full of protein -- the perfect post-op option!

Here were my daily Stats:
Calories Consumed:  525
Calories Burned: 886
Protein: 67g
H2O: 3L

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nothing I Can Think Of

How does a person get "writers block" when all they have to do is talk about what happened yesterday? It's weird, but I feel like I just don't know what to say. I mean how boring would this blog be if all I said was I ate this and this and this, I did this, and my stats were this, and I didn't have anything witty, random, or something to make you think to say to make it interesting for you? Usually my day goes along and I have several moments where I think to myself, "I should talk about that in my blog." I remember some of them when it comes time to write, and remember the rest during the writing process. Today I have no recollection of having any of those moments yesterday, but if I did, and just don't remember them now, maybe they will come to me as I type. I guess we will see, and with that, here was my yesterday:

March 29, 2011

I had to hit the gym this morning solo. Britton just wouldn't wake up so off I went a la carte. I did pretty good, even in solitude, I burned 847 calories. I do like having a gym partner though, but I can do it alone if necessary.

I, against my better judgement, decided to have my shake for lunch, and have some chewable food for breakfast. I a burritoless breakfast burrito. That just means I skipped wrapping the filling into a tortilla. Kind of a crazy spicy scramble. Here is a list of what didn't go into the tortilla:

1/4 cup Crumbled Bacon
1/2 cup Egg Beaters
1 slice Low Fat Provolone Cheese
2 Tbsp Hot Salsa

It was perfect . . . even if eaten off a fork instead of out of a tortilla.

Lunch was a shake, because if I had talked myself into waiting, I figured it probably wouldn't happen. So, I just did the right think and made my shake. Well, I don't know if could be called a shake -- I used extra ice cubes and it was really like soft serve ice cream. I ate the first half of it with a spoon out of a bowl, then tipped the bowl and drank the rest once it was thin enough to do so. I used the  "Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake recipe but added an extra 8 ice cubes for a total of 20.

I had a snack today before taking Kana to swim lessons. I wanted popcorn, but am trying to break myself of the popcorn thing, so I opted for:

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter (Frozen)

I like to freeze tablespoon fulls of peanut butter, because they make me feel like I'm eating a piece of candy.

For dinner, I made my family Pizza, so I needed a quick easy alternative. I still had frozen split pea soup in the freezer, so I warmed some up. I had:

1 cup Homemade Split Pea Soup

Well, that was it -- my no-frills yesterday. Life, I suppose, isn't always a circus . . . sometimes it just feels that way!

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 721
Calories Burned: 847
Protein: 87.5g
H2O: 2.5L

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nothing Major -- Just Really, Really Busy

So, normally my posts are about yesterday, but since I haven't posted for a couple days, this post will be about Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday. Here we go:

March 26-28, 2011

Saturday --

I chose not to go to OA this morning. I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't do so great in making sure I got all my nutrients in, but I did take all my vitamins and drank all my water, so that's something.  Here's what I did manage to eat:

Breakfast was . . . (and here is where good intentions, end up being the beginning of my downfall) . . . NOT a protein shake! I had:

1/2 cup Egg Beaters
1/4 cup Crumbled Bacon
2 Tbsp Salsa

I woke up feeling like I needed to "eat" something -- and what I mean by that is that I needed to chew (there's just something mental about it). My thought process was that I would have a shake for lunch or in the car on my way to swimming, but yeah, that didn't happen. So lunch was non-existent.

By the time swimming had gotten over, I was really hungry. I didn't even balk at the really nice yogurt shop owner filling my "small" up a bit extra, and I didn't do the usual throw half away thing either. I ate the whole thing! I am guessing there were about:

8 oz Blueberry Tart Frozen Yogurt

Come dinnertime, I knew that I should have had a shake, but I didn't. Not only did I not chose a protein shake to ensure I go enough protein in, I tried to eat too big of a bite of meatball, which was also too hot -- causing me to swallow before chewing it up well enough. Instant stoma blockage! I was miserable and ended up throwing up "slime" for the next few hours. I couldn't even drink water for most of the rest of the night, because it ended up not being able to go past my espohagus. Remember when I said I wasn't gonna do that again? Well, I did. Sometimes it takes a few times to learn better . . . I guess!

Saturday's Stats:
Calories Consumed: 400 (plus any part of that 1st bite of meatball that may or may not have gone down instead of back up?)
Calories Burned: ?? 1 hour swimming
H2O: 2L
Protein: 30g

Sunday --

Again didn't start off with a protein shake. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) It was the VFW Sunday Breakfast. I ordered an all protein meal. I asked for:

Eggs Over Easy
1 Sausage Patty
Slice of Ham

I'm not sure whether to blame it on my eyes being bigger than my stomach (literally now!) -- or -- that I simply couldn't decide between the sausage or the ham. Either way, I obviously couldn't finish it all (or even half)! I ended up giving almost all of my sausage and 1/2 of my ham to my hubby and left 1/2 of my eggs on my plate.

Lunch was:

1 cup Homemade Split Pea Soup

I like having protein foods readily available, so it seems I eat leftovers a lot lately. My friend Kayla makes protein foods in advance so they will be readily available all week long. I may start doing that too.

Dinner was again, not a protein shake! I know, I was bad this weekend, but I did make something PACKED with protein. I cooked cod with a little Pam, Salt & Pepper, and Lime. I also made some delicious Pico De Gallo. Then turned it all into Fish Tacos for the family. I however bypassed the tortilla (even though I bought the carb conscious kind -- I'm just afraid to get blocked again!) I had:

4 oz Cod (That's 41g protein for those looking for protein rich foods)
1/4 cup Pico De Gallo

I mixed it all together and it was wonderful! The fish tacos were so tasty that, my oldest son, Britton (who "hates" seafood -- most of which without even tasting it) LOVED them! I don't have a lot of experience with seafood -- but I'm definitely going to get to know seafood better! If anyone has any great seafood recipes, I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday's Stats:
Calories consumed: 648
Calories Burned: Sunday = Day Off
Protein: 69g
H2O: 3L

Monday --

The Gym this morning was cut short because I had so much to do today, but I did manage to burn 500 calories, I thought if I got any extra time I would grab another workout at home, but the day didn't afford me that luxury today. At least I did burn 500.

Breakfast was . . . YAY! A protein shake!!! I had a "Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. They really are my new favorite, and with good reason -- they're delicious!

Lunch was a left over portion the Cod and Pico De Gallo from last night.

I got hungry before dinner, so I had a snack, and yes . . . I chose Popcorn (AGAIN!) I know I need to find a way to kick the carb snack habit of popcorn, but today wasn't going to be the day I was going to figure that problem out! I had:

1 bag Healthy Choice 100 Calorie Pack 94% Fat-Free Microwave Popcorn

Because the day was so busy, I didn't have time to actually cook, so dinner was an everyone grab whatever night. Kana had Chicken Dino-Nuggets, Britton had a Lean Cuisine meal, Dan had a sandwich, and I had:

12 oz Homemade Split Pea Soup

What I didn't eat, I froze -- because I hadn't done so yet, and I didn't want to have to throw it away.

Monday Stats:
Calories Consumed: 734
Calories Burned: 500
Protein: 100
H2O: 2.5L

So there was my "the last 3 days post" sorry for the lag, sometimes life just gets in the way.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Making Up For Lost Time

The sunburn is completely healed (except for the peeling!), so it's time to get back to life as usual. Well, actually it was time to get back to life as usual yesterday. I doubled up my workouts yesterday to make up for lost time, and this morning, I am sore! Guess it's just a sign that my workouts yesterday were a success. Actually, all of yesterday was a success. Let me tell you about it:

March 25, 2011

Like I said, I doubled up on my workouts. I did an at home workout with my cousin Latisha during her lunch break. She chose the treadmill, so I got the Gazelle . . . Yeah Baaaby! You can Dooo it! LOL. It really is a ridiculous looking machine, but done right, it kicks your ass! Used it to work on my upper arms and by the time I was done, they felt like wet spaghetti. Plus, I burned 575 calories! Then, Britton and I hit the gym at 8:45 p.m and I used the treadmill to alternate between running up a short incline and hiking up a full incline for an hour and 15 minutes (well, 50 minutes, then another 25 minutes -- because I had to watch the end of Fringe!) during which I burned another 1020 calories. So my total calories burned for the day was 1595! A new record for me.

I did great with my food too. I started the day with a Peach & Raspberry protein shake. I don't really have a name for it yet, and I'm not really sure if the recipe is a final draft or not yet, so I'm not naming or tagging it yet -- but here's what was in it:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Red Raspberry Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

It was good -- not spectacular, but good. I have to think about my other ingredients I could use to bump up the yum factor. This is definitely a work in progress recipe.

Lunch was Fage 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt . . . all yummied up!

1 cup Fage 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Red Raspberry Syrup
1 large Strawberry (Diced into small pieces)
6 Grapes (Diced into small pieces)

This was so good! The only way it could have been better was to have had a little granola added -- but I'm not sure if that's OK for me to have. I think I'll call my nutritionist next week and ask. If I do add the granola, I'll have to cut down on the yogurt to maybe a 1/2 cup.

I wanted a snack today -- I just felt hungry for a change, so I gave in to my guilty pleasure and had:

1 bag 94% Fat Free 100 Calorie Pack, Butter Flavor, Microwave Popcorn

I know, I know, Dr Cirangle would not be happy about this choice, but there a lot worse choices I could have made.

Dinner was not so delicious. I'm not very good at using a slow cooker, I guess. I put a Tri-Tip in with water covering it and a package of Knorr Vegetable soup to flavor it, and cooked it for 5 hours. And guess what? When it was done . . . it way REALLY dry! How the hell do you boil something dry??? It just doesn't make sense!

Now normally, I wouldn't eat something that wasn't 100% quality -- my pouch is now prime real estate and there is no room for low quality food in there, but I had just spent 5 hours cooking it and had no back-up plan. OK, so it's not like I "slaved" over it -- I put it in a slow cooker and left it alone, but still . . . so I decided to eat it anyway. I had:

4 oz Really Dry Tri-Tip (at least it was pretty much fat free! LOL)

Oh yeah, one more thing -- I have new vitamins. I placed an order with Bariatric Advantage thanks to the advice of Kayla, and got some yummy calcium supplements that taste just like Starburst! They are sugar-free, and each chew provides 25% of your recommended calcium. I bought both Lemon and Raspberry Flavor. They are delicious, but the have 15 calories each, so that's 60 calories -- 10% of my average intake just for my calcium if I take all four! Today I had 2, because I had yogurt, so I didn't feel like I needed all four.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 636
Calories Burned: 1595
Protein: 94g
H2O: 2L

Friday, March 25, 2011

Slacker Much? Yep.

OK, so I know I haven't blogged for the last 2 days. I thought about it several times, but just didn't ever get past the thinking about it part. I didn't want my post to go something like this: "Damn this burn hurts, pity, pity, boo-hoo, blah, blah, blah, did I tell you how much this damn thing hurts? blah, blah, blah . . ." But in the midst of it all -- that was really all I could think to write! I did make wise choices with my food over the last few days, but have not worked out (well there was one attempt, but as soon as I started to sweat, I was like, "oh hell no!" So I didn't attempt that again since. However, I think today is the day to get back to it. I am feeling MUCH better now. But as you all know, this post isn't about what I'm doing today. Let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 24, 2011

Breakfast was a new concoction I called "Creamsicle." It was the first protein shake I have ever made, that was actually better after it sat for a while (I made it, drank a little, sat it down, and forgot it for an hour or so.) I think I will make it in advance when I want this flavor from now on. Here is the recipe:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Orange Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

I decided to make a new batch of Split Pea Soup for Lunch. (I need to get the leftovers frozen into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer for a few protein packed lunches made easy.) Here is my recipe:

16 oz bag Dried Split Peas
5 Celery Sticks (diced)
4 large Carrots (diced)
4 large Cloves of Garlic (diced)
8 oz Lean Turkey Ham (diced)
And I don't know how much H2O (because I don't measure it -- just fill the pot up!)

I used some a few of the Bacon Wrapped Fillets I got in that Meat Box I bought from the home delivery guy last week. They were really good. Plus, they are perfectly portioned, individually wrapped, 6 oz cuts. I paired it with a salad made with Lettuce, Tomato, & Cucumber. And for the rest of my family, Au Gratin Potatoes. I had:

1/2 Fillet (approximately 3 oz)
1 cup Green Salad (without dressing of course!)

I didn't exercise today due to the sunburn so the only calories burned were my BMR (which may have been higher than normal anyway, while my body is in repair mode!) So here are my Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 621
Calories Burned: --
Protein: 81g
H2O: 3L

P.S. -- I know yesterday was my updated photo deadline, but as soon as the redness turns into the "Golden Goddess" shade -- it will be updated! Until then, a little patience!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

Sometimes, left to my own devices, I am truly, truly dangerous. Now, I'm not talking about the Whoo-hoo PARTY! kind of dangerous, I mean the holy crap what the hell was I thinking type of dangerous. The funny thing is, normally, I'm a pretty bright person, but on occasions, you just wouldn't know it! I once stabbed myself through the middle of my own hand in an attempt to remove an avocado pit (in a way that I had never done it before, and never will again!), but that was a long time ago, and this post really is about yesterday. So let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 21, 2011

For breakfast . . . OK, just kidding, I know you want to know what the momentary lapse of judgement was.

Well, let me just say, "boy is my face red!" I mean literally RED. I had the bright idea to lay in my tanning bed for 50 solid minutes this morning. Well, more like two 25 minute sessions back to back. The second one wasn't suppose to be the entire 25 minutes, but I fell asleep, so it was. Now, I've owned my own tanning bed for over seven years, so yesterday was not my first picnic -- you'd think I'd have known better. Truth be told -- I'm sure I did. My husband bought me the tanning bed for Christmas 2003, the year my youngest son was born. During my pregnancy with him, I developed an allergy to being cold. It's called "cold urticaria." Which means I am physically allergic to cold temperatures, and will break out in hives. An easy way to relieve the breakout is to rapidly warm up -- What better way to do so than lay in the tanning bed. Yesterday, however, was really, really cold, so when my first 25 minutes was up -- I was still cold. Now, I haven't replaced the bulbs in a few years, but I also don't use the bed that often (most times, it works double duty as a horizontal surface to put clean laundry on when I'm too lazy to fold them). So I originally thought that maybe my bulbs were low and needed to be replaced. I thought I would turn the bed on for another 25 minutes, but would get out as soon as I felt warm. A few minutes later, I fell sound asleep. I woke up when the bed went off. I immediately jumped up and went to a mirror to assess the damage. I looked fine (I certainly didn't look burned). I felt fine. I thought, "yep, time to replace those bulbs." But as the day progressed, so did the redness, swelling, and pain! Guess the bulbs are fine, it's the brain that needs replacing! So now I'm bright red, swollen (my eyes are almost swollen shut), and there is not an inch of skin that is not hurting -- told ya . . . DANGEROUS!

The day wasn't a total disaster though. I did find a new "shiny" -- the lights on my home treadmill. Before the burn set in, I discovered that "head hunger" is easily distracted away by telling yourself, every time I think I'm hungry when it's not mealtime, I'm gonna run off ___ calories, and by the time you're done, if the hunger wasn't real, it's gone. Squirrel! I love having this machine here available anytime I need it.

Now, on to breakfast. I decided to try something new this morning. I made a "White Chocolate Raspberry" Shake. It was good . . . slightly reminiscent of wedding cake. Here was my recipe:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Red Raspberry Syrup (I like this flavor better than their plain "Raspberry")
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free White Chocolate Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

And you thought I was gonna say Cookie Dough Ice Cream didn't you?

Somewhere between breakfast and lunch, I decided to forgo the liquid diet and start eating today. It occurred to me that the last time I did it, I was mostly in bed recuperating from surgery or walking small distances -- this time my calorie burn is so high that I really feel my body needs more substantial fuel. So I have moved on to soft foods. I did say a week or so -- so 4 days was enough to call it or so! Maybe I'm just weak, but I'm going to blame it on needing the energy anyway! Plus, I can't tell you how happy I was when lunch rolled around and I didn't have to pull out the blender (well not the big one anyway!). I decided to heat the last of my frozen leftover Split Pea Soup I had in the freezer. Not wanting to jump straight into eating solids again, I used my hand stick blender and pureed the soup before I ate it. I had:

1 cup Split Pea Soup

It was so wonderful to taste real food again! I really like my home-made split pea soup -- I'm thinking I should make a new batch sometime this week.

Dinner was the meat and chilies out of one of my Chicken Enchiladas I made for dinner Sunday night. It tasted way better than the broth, and chewing really is a wonderful thing! Oh yeah, and guess what? It didn't get stuck or cause any pain -- so that's a bonus. Maybe I didn't forget the rules, maybe I just didn't follow them completely, and now I will. I had:

4 oz Chicken Enchilada Filling (mostly Shredded Chicken breast)

So there was my CRAZY day, and here are my stats:
Calories Consumed: 586
Calories Burned: 1000
Protein: 81g
H2O: 2L

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday Lazy Sunday

Sundays are lazy days. I didn't do anything yesterday -- nothing worth talking about anyway. Unless you're interested in how many loads of laundry I had to fold, that is. And with the liquid diet thing happening even my intake was boring, but I'll tell you about it anyway:

March 20, 2011

Breakfast was (as it has been all week) a "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake.

Lunch was an "Apple Pie Ala Mode" Shake. I made it with the usual double scoop of protein, because I just didn't want to drink 3 shakes today.

Dinner was broth from the dinner I cooked my family. I made Chicken Enchiladas and the liquid I drained from the cooked Chicken and Chilies in was my portion. At least it tasted like my cooking instead of just another shake! I had 12 oz Broth, but I wish I could have eaten the insides out of one of the enchiladas instead. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll make them again and eat it then!

Well, that's my post. At least I didn't waste a bunch of your time! LOL

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 485
Calories Burned: Hello? It was Sunday! My day off, so . . . Nada!
Protein: 90g
H2O: 3L

Sunday, March 20, 2011


OK, so NOW I'm hungry . . . I mean Really Hungry! I forgot how much the fluid only stage sucked! Why did I decide to do this again? Did I do this so I would remember what obsessing about food was like? Cause if so . . . that was DUMB!!! And what's worse -- the scale hasn't moved -- not even an ounce. I think I liked life better when I wasn't ever hungry and I didn't really care about food! Last time I did this it was for 3 weeks and now, I can barely stand it and it's only been 3 days. I'll need a huge cheering section if I'm gonna keep this up for the week I had planned to! Let me know you're out there guys! Squirrel!!!

Yay! Torani Syrup Cupboard. I bought some new flavors yesterday (and some extras of some old favorites!) Squirrel! Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, I think I was saying I want to get a pet squirrel and name him Torani, or something like that?? LOL!

Anyway, now that we're ALL distracted, here is my yesterday:

March 19, 2011

Breakfast was yet again another "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. What can I say? I'm a creature of habit! Plus, they really are delicious!

Went to my OA meeting today. Still not sure if they are the right place for me, but for the time being they'll work. But I'm still not saying their dreadful affirmation! I am actually thinking about trying to get a support group together of post-opies here locally, but it's not like I don't already have a million things on my plate, so I'm still just thinking about it. My doc, starting in May will be here once a month for support groups (as opposed to his current every other month schedule), so maybe that will be enough? We'll see.

After my meeting, I met Mariette for lunch at Hunan's. I know what you're thinking, "but Khrysti, you're on a liquids only diet right now?!" Yes. Yes I am. I had:

12 oz Tea
12 oz Water
12 oz Plain Won Ton Soup Broth

And a bunch of great conversation!

Saturdays mean swimming. We had a great time at the pool. I even decided to treat myself to some relaxation and hit the hot tub for a short while during Kana's swim lesson time.

Unfortunately, Saturdays also mean FroYo after swimming! OK, so not unfortunate, just boo hoo for me this week. Next week though, I'm so in! We usually stay and eat there, but I couldn't ADOS my way out of being enticed by the smell of the fresh made waffle cones (even though I don't even get waffle cones when I'm there, but still . . .), so I made Kana take his to go and eat it in the car on the way home (yes Kayla, in my beautiful Jag!). Actually we stopped at Cash N Carry to pick up some more Torani, so he really ate most of his yogurt there in the store while I shopped. It didn't make it back in the car with us from there.

Dinner was a . . . uh . . . well, I really don't know what to call it. I was going for a Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie shake, which I made, and it was good. The problem was that the memory of Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps kept confusing my taste buds! So now I don't know what to call it? LOL! Maybe I'll just call it a "Junior Mint" Shake. Chocolate and mint -- you get the idea! (but I will tag the recipe under all three so you can decide what works best for you!)

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

Well, that was it for my day! Squirrel!

Daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 492
Calories Burned: Unknown? Activity -- Swimming
Protein: 92g
H2O: 70 oz

Post note -- For those of you who are totally confused by the Squirrel reference, I'm gonna let you in on the joke: It from the Disney/Pixar movie UP! Some days I strive to be as highly distractable as that dog!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Brain Is A Funny Thing!

So I've been doing well on the liquid protein diet for the last couple days. Which, shouldn't be too hard considering I haven't really felt hunger since Tuesday. It's like my body didn't really want food. However, the mind is a funny thing. I started the liquid protein phase of my diet on Thursday, and this morning, I'm hungry! Like I really want to eat (chew) something! It's like my body didn't really want food -- until I told it that it couldn't have it! So, is it actual hunger returning -- or my brain playing tricks on my will power? I don't know. I just find it odd!  That being said, I'm glad I have ADOS (Attention Deficit . . . Ooh Shinny!) today, I'm gonna need it! (Hey Kayla -- Squirrel! LOL!) So for now to take my mind off of it -- here is what my yesterday looked like.

March 18, 2011

Due to unforeseen circumstances with Britton, my morning workout was cut short, which was OK because I had a personal trainer session with "Coach Trev" in the afternoon, so it was going to be an extra workout anyway. I know I have told you how much I like this new gym -- but it's the extra mile they go to assure you are getting the most of your membership that really puts them over the top! (Plus they do a lot of great things for the community like their free speed training classes for the kids every Tuesday and Thursday.) I recommend that if any of you reading, live near Ferndale -- Join this gym! It's the best!!! I am really sore this morning though -- but that's a good thing. It means it's working.

Breakfast was again a  "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. I'm running out of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Torani, so I have to get to Cash 'N' carry today. Maybe they will have some new flavors too?

I did good on my fluid intake today and between breakfast and lunch, I had already drank a liter of water.

Lunch was a "CocoCaraMac" Shake, but with only 1 scoop of Protein Powder.

 I need to place an order for more protein. Yesterday's lunch wiped out the last of my supply of Strawberry flavored protein. I get my protein from -- I use "Max Protein". It's a great time to buy right now, because they are running a special buy 2 tubs, get 1 tub 25% off. Plus, you can combine the sale with this promo code from Eggface for an additional 20% off the entire order! -- which works out to be about $58 a 5 lb tub (as opposed to $80)  --OR-- $36 a 2 lb tub (as opposed to $50). So now is a good time to stock up!

My final shake of the day was my "Peach Pie" Shake, but again with only 1 scoop of protein.

I did have a Sugar Free Popsicle in the evening, which is another weird brain enigma -- why do I seem to only really want Popsicles when it's freezing outside? Maybe because I crank up the heater inside? Maybe? I don't know.

Here were my Daily Stats:
Calories Burned: 300 Plus however many my workout with Trevor was (I don't know an exact #, but I was sweating like crazy, so . . .
Calories Consumed: 497
Protein: 88g
H2O: 2L + my 3 shakes (about 16-18oz each)

Friday, March 18, 2011


Sip, Sip, Sip . . . and after a short while, I'm hydrated once again! No, those sips weren't on any green beer! I did not join in with any St. Paddy's day celebrations -- except to wear green so my kids didn't pinch me! Can't do carbonated drinks so the green beer was out. Now that I'm back on liquid protein and fluids only, the corned beef and cabbage was out. (Even if I wasn't on liquids only -- corned beef is way too fatty, so it would have been out anyway -- and who wants to eat just cabbage? Yuck!) So now that you know what I didn't do yesterday, let me tell you what I did do:

March 17, 2011

So the first day back to basics wasn't too bad. Plus my kidneys are feeling MUCH better! And even though I decided to forgo my morning workout yesterday due to kidney pain, by the end of the day I was well hydrated and feeling better, so I hit the gym and burned 843 calories. Besides, by then I was feeling pretty guilty for not having had worked out yet, I don't know if it's really guilt -- but something. It just feels wrong.

Breakfast was another "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake. It is just so good -- I had to have it again! I told you it may be a regular during my Liquid Phase, so you'll probably be seeing it a lot!

Then I sipped, and I sipped, and I sipped water until lunch time.

Lunch was a Strawberry Coconut shake. My lunch and dinner shakes are a bit different from my breakfast or my one-a-day shakes in that I do not double up on the protein in them (or my protein intake would be way too high (like 132g daily!), and during the liquid phase my doc wanted my calories below 600 (and with 3 doubles a day, I'd be getting 708). so here was my lunch shake:

1 scoop Strawberry Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

And I sipped, and I sipped and I sipped some more water until dinner. Which was a modified Mounds Shake (reducing the protein again):

1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

And I sipped, and I sipped, and I sipped . . .

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 472
Calories Burned: 843
Protein: 88g
H2O: 74 oz (Plus between 16-18 oz per shake)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


OK, so I did a bad thing. I have not been drinking enough. Now, my kidneys are hurting . . .BAD!  It's been difficult getting use to the new tightness, so today I am seriously going on a liquid protein and lots of H2O diet for a week or so. I need to go back to the basics -- like just after surgery. Learn how to sip, sip, sip again. I was open for so long, that I kind of "forgot" my rules about eating. I mean, I didn't forget, I just didn't follow them as closely as I should have. Not the eating/drinking schedule thing, but the chewing until my food was "self pureed" part. I think if I start over from square one, I can train myself again. I know I've been saying I wanted to do it -- but now it's pretty obvious I NEED to do it. So today is day one of "Starting over." Funny, all my day one's seem to take place on holidays. Today is St. Patrick's day, but this post isn't about today, it's about yesterday, so here we go:

March 16, 2011

So should I start with the good news or the bad news first? Hmmm . . . I pick . . . the good news.

I kicked butt at the gym again! 848 calories burned. That's a new a.m. record for me (because in the morning we are strictly limited on time).Britton started joining the early morning class that is happening and liked it -- said it is super intense though! He was sweating so bad, his hair was dripping wet. (Like mine always is after a workout!)

OK, now for the not so good news. My intake:

Like I've already told you, fluids were very very low. My food was not so great either. Breakfast was:

1 round of Babybel Light Cheese

Lunch didn't happen until 2:30 when I got home from picking Kana up from school. I know, you're thinking wow -- it's not like I didn't have LOTS of time to get that water in -- but I don't "feel" hungry or thirsty right now! . . . I mean at all! . . . EVER. (I know Kayla, you told me it would happen, but after 110 days of not feeling that way -- I kinda never believed I would. Now I believe you!) I did make a new yummy shake for "Lunner" (LOL! Like the lunch/dinner version of Brunch.) I think this one will be a regular as I work on my "do over." I call it the "Cookie Dough Ice Cream" Shake:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

It was super delicious! Now if I was a bit more focused yesterday, I would have made another shake for dinner, but I wasn't, so I didn't. And I didn't really eat anything either. What I did was popped 1/2 a Strawberry in my mouth, which was cold straight out of the refrigerator and caused sensitivity to my teeth, so I didn't chew it thoroughly, and swallowed a bite too big to fit through my stoma. Instant uncomfortably full sensation, and resultant "slime" -- it's a band thing -- you don't want to know! -- which until now I had only heard about, but never experienced. YUCK! Not doing that again!!!

OK, so my daily stats were:
Calories Consumed: 298
Calories Burned: 848
Protein: 49g
H2O: Not enough, but I'm going to start letting you know, so I help keep myself on track!

Now, I know this is where we usually end it, but I want to end on a positive note. So I want to tell you something that made me super happy yesterday. My husband brought home a new Nordic Track Treadmill for me. I am so happy about this. I have been wanting a home use treadmill since I started this journey, now I have one! I have decided I can only watch my DVR'ed shows while on the treadmill, so I should get plenty of extra workout time now. So that's good -- and I always remember to drink lots of h2o after a workout, so that's good too!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Did I Keep Up The Pace?

For those of you who are wondering if I was able to make Friday night's faster pace my new "regular pace" . . . the answer is . . . YES YES YES! Yes I can -- Si se puede -- and for all the other languages I don't know how to say yes I can in please find a translator and ask them to tell you what this means: Yes I can! I kept it up and yesterday morning I burned 827 calories and hiked just a little over 3 miles. I was thinking it would have been cool if I would have started keeping track of how far I went from the beginning so at the end of this weight loss journey I would know how far I had to go to get there . . . in miles. To think less than 4 months ago I could barely walk 4 blocks slowly without getting winded (of course my stomach was up inside my chest cavity displacing my lungs which made it harder, but still.) and now I can hike 4 miles straight uphill at a very steep grade at a pretty quick pace!

Let me tell you what else I did:

March 15, 2011

OK so the tighter band definitely make a big difference. It takes much longer to eat food and drink my shakes. Today it took me 3 1/2 hours to get my shake down -- well, not really a shake -- it was really more of a fruit and protein smoothie. I have never really made a post-op smoothie before, but Fat free Greek yogurt has just about the same amount of protein in is as a scoop of protein powder and just about the same number of calories. Here is my recipe:

1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
4 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup
1 cup Fage 0% Fat Greek Yogurt
3 large Strawberries
10 Green Seedless Grapes
1 Little Cuties Tangerine
12 Ice Cubes

This concoction had more calories than my regular shake because of the added fruit -- but it also had added fiber, which is a good thing. Plus, it did take a very very long time to finish.

Lunch was the last of the leftover Korean Chicken. I had 4oz and am relearning to chew, chew, chew. Because I have not been restricted, I sometime don't chew enough to "manually puree" my food with my teeth. I am considering more heavily the idea of starting from scratch and doing a week or two of protein liquids, then a week of "mushies" then start again on solids and retrain myself to the very small bites and lots of chewing. Which seems like a great idea while it is currently taking me so long to drink my shakes anyway, and maybe it will boost my weight loss rate again. Maybe tomorrow? We'll see.

I was really full still at dinner time, so I just had a Tbsp of Peanut Butter mostly because it was easy and small, and also because I'm in a whole new learning phase of how to fuel myself with the new tightness. I'll figure it out.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 575
Calories Burned: 827
Protein: 73.5g

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Feeling Great About My Progress

What an AWESOME day it was! Tired or not -- the day was packed with good things and good news. First if which (well, not chronologically -- but in order of how happy they made me) I saw my doc today for my official weigh in, and the result . . . drum roll please . . . 56 lbs in 110 days!!!!! That's just a bit more than a half pound a day! Just 9 more pounds, and I'll be half way there! I know, I'm using lots of "!'s" but I am really excited about it -- give me a break. LOL!

I also started the day out with a GREAT workout! 831 calories burned! After stepping up my workout Friday night, I thought I'd keep that higher pace. Can I keep it up? Well, I know the answer, but I'm not going to tell you! You have to read tomorrow's post to find out (gotta keep you coming back).  Anyway, let's find out about yesterday, before we start wondering about today:

March 14, 2011

Breakfast was an "Apple Pie Ala Mode"  Protein Shake, which I thought I had given you the recipe for, but I can not find it in the tags for my posts, so I will tell you again and tag it here. Here it is:

2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
1 pkt Alpine Sugar-Free Apple Cider
1 oz Hot H2O (To dissolve the Apple Cider)
1-2 Ice Cubes (To cool down the Cider before adding to protein powder)
2 oz Torain Sugar-Free Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Syrup
2 oz Torain Sugar-Free Caramel Syrup
12 Ice Cubes

I had a noon appointment with my surgeon today and had another 1.5 cc's added to my band, which should make a total of 8.5 cc's. I say should because when he drew back all the saline in the band (which should have been 7 cc's) he only got 6 cc's out. He said there could be another cc air locked behind an air bubble, but there may have only 6 still in there. So I may have 7.5 or possibly 8.5 cc's in there now? Either way, I am finally feeling some restriction. Lunch was postponed for an hour today (which my body thought was 2 hours, because now I get hungry at specific times and it is not yet aware that we actually messed with our extrenal clocks), but hunger is NOT an emergency, so my body just had to wait until my drs appt was over. I had a shake in my blender bottle in the car waiting for the ride home after my appt. I had a Mounds Protein Shake. Shakes lose something if you make them too long before you drink them, but nutritionally they are the same. It takes much longer to drink now. I really hope that doesn't go away like it did after my last fill -- but I never felt this much restriction after the last fill. Maybe I have found my "sweet spot" (hoping) -- which would be awesome!

Dinner was my "homemade" Chili except instead of using ground Turkey, I made it with Lean Ground Pork instead of Ground Turkey because when I compared the nutrition labels on each package to each other -- the pork had fewer calories with more protein and less fat. I could only eat 1/3 cup before I really felt full. I mean REALLY FULL.

So here were my Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 592
Calories Burned: 831
Protein: 98g

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sleep Deprivation and Rain -- A Humboldt County Springtime Sunday

OK, another PM post. Been a busy day (and the time change seems like it made the day drag on forever!). First I would just like to say "Daylight Savings Time" makes NO SENSE! We (on the mainland USA) screw up our Circadian rhythm twice a year so that it can stay light until 10pm during the summer? Like having daylight until 9pm wouldn't be enough? And if we really wanted (or needed) more daylight longer wouldn't it make more sense to have DST during the winter so it didn't get pitch black at 5pm?!?! I mean if were gonna screw ourselves up -- wouldn't THAT make more sense? Whatever. Moving on.
I'm gonna try to keep this post short and sweet (I think?! You never know when I'm gonna go off track and talk about something random, but at the moment I think, short and sweet -- we'll see).

March 13, 2011

Breakfast was a new protein shake concoction I called "Fruit Salad"

2 scoops Strawberry Protein Power
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Mango Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Watermelon Syrup
1 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

This shake was pretty good -- add 1/2 of a fresh Banana and it would have been better. But for now -- it was OK.

Lunch was leftover Chicken from last night. I had:

6 oz Korean Chicken

Dinner was more of the same thing I had for lunch. Hey, it was quick, easy, protein packed, and no one else in this family will eat leftovers, so . . .

6 oz Korean Chicken

I know boring day huh? I'm still feeling a little apathetic toward food -- so if it's quick to grab, packed with protein, and requires little effort to prepare . . . I'm in. Chewing is about the only energy I want to spend on getting something nourishing into my body right now.

I went to my doctor's support group. It was good -- informative. My doc says he is getting a surgical practice partner so he will be coming here once a month instead of every other month. That will be good. Maybe a once a month meeting is all I will need and I can take it as a sign that OA is not the place for me. I'm still on the fence about it.

Anyway, told you it was short and sweet. So here are my daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 596
Calories Burned: Just my resting metabolic rate -- no exercise today . . . 'cause Sunday = day off!
Protein: 101g

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meetings? Maybe.

Well, I finally went back to OA. I'm not sure if those meetings are the right place for me, but as an Angel Therapist, I know that our thoughts and words have power, so if I do decide to keep going, I have decided that I WILL NOT say "I'm Khrystine and I'm a compulsive over-eater." (CCD) Because that statement manifests my reality and my reality is that, that is not my reality. I may have over eaten in the past, but that does not define me. It is not who I am. It was a life lesson that I needed to learn, have learned it, and now I am moving. I, in my past have also been raped by my step-father, but I would never introduce my self as, "I'm Khrystine and I'm a rape victim." (CCD) It just really doesn't make sense. So we'll see what I decide to do about OA.

Yesterday was a good day all in all. Let me tell you about it:

March 12, 2011

Breakfast was my 1st wise choice for the day. I knew I was going to be busy all day, so the wise thing to do was to get my protein shake out of the way. I decided to try something new. Well really a new twist on an old recipe. I decided to add 2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Toasted Marshmallow to my "Lemon Creme" Shake to make "Lemon Meringue Pie" Shake:

2 Scoops Vanilla Ultra Max Protein Powder by SEI Pharmaceuticals
2 Oz Torani Sugar-Free Lemon Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Toasted Marshmallow
2 Oz H2O
12 Ice cubes

I hadn't seen my friend Mariette for a while, so after my meeting, the two of us met at Hunan's for lunch. We had a great visit & wonderful conversation. I definitely need to make more time to hang out with her. We always have so much fun together. After my failure dinner with the kids at Hunan's the other night, I knew I didn't want any Chinese Chicken Salad -or- BBQ Pork. But how many good options are there at a Chinese restaurant? Everything is either battered and fried, or slathered in some kind of oily, sugary, or otherwise unhealthy coating. I decided to make up my own healthier soup request. I asked for a 1/2 order of War Wonton Soup without the wontons. They put broccoli in it in place of the wontons. So it was like a mixed meat and veggie soup. It had Chicken, Shrimp, Pork, Broccoli, Snow Peas, Carrots, Mushrooms, and Spinach. I have never eaten soup that had thin broth with solid food together. Split pea soup had a thicker texture, but with thin broth I kind of felt like I was breaking my no liquids with my meal rule. My doctor is coming into town this evening (3/13/11) for a support group meeting, so I will have to ask about that and if it's OK or not? Either way, what's done is done. I had about 1/2 of the bowl they brought me. (approximately 1 cup) I ate all of the protein items out of the bowl, and some veggies (and yes, some of the broth).

After my visit with Mariette, it was home to pick up Kana and rush off to open swim, then his swimming lesson. Only once we got there, his teacher told us she forgot she added him to her schedule, and that she had to leave -- so we just swam together during free swim time (compliments of the swim instructor! literally FREE swim).

After swimming, we got to go for our treat . . . Fro-Yo! Yumm. I ordered a small cup of Blueberry-Pomegranate Yogurt. But the owner of the shop, being nice, kind of started to make an extra big small size cup. I had to tell him "whoa! that's plenty. Thanks" then I had to throw 1/2 of it away. I probably ate 6 oz, then I put it in the garbage. Something Kayla taught me to do -- thanks Kayla!

For dinner I made Korean Chicken and Rice (I didn't eat the rice). I was pretty hungry from swimming, and I was not 100% sure of my protein count for the day (though I did have protein with both lunch and frozen yogurt -- I just didn't know how much exactly, so I just counted those as "bonus protein"), so I had:

8 oz Korean Chicken

That's a double serving, but like I said I was hungry. Here are my stats for the day:
Calories consumed: Approximately 766
Calories Burned: Unknown, but swam for an hour
Protein: 82g + "bonus protein" (probably somewhere around 15 extra?)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unshakable, Even Under Stress!

Well, we're still here . . . and we stayed dry! Our Hawaii home also suffered no damage, thankfully. I hope all of you can say the same. Even though we were personally unscathed, wow, what a wild day! My only person I am really concerned about is a neighbor of mine in Hawaii, Koji, who is a Japanese National. He is in Hawaii for 6 months, then in Japan for 6 months. He left for Japan the morning of the 10th and so far no one has yet heard from him. Sending out love and positive energy that he is safe. My friend Loretta's store in Kona took a hit, but she has not been able to go in and assess the situation yet as the water caused electrical problems and they can not go into the building due to safety issues. Sending her angels to assist with any clean-up necessary. My business partner Shankari, is currently in Bali so she was not in her home in Hawaii. I talked to her and she is OK, I pray her home is intact when she returns, and all is well. Through out it all, I must say, I did fantastic with my choices! Stress did not break me. Let me tell you about my yesterday:

March 11, 2011

We did not get up at 5:30 to hit the gym for three reasons (1) we like Friday night workouts because we can workout longer and it's almost empty on Friday nights, (2) that means we can sleep in on Fridays, and (3) ummmm . . .hello! tsunami warnings! LOL! Just kidding about #3 actually Britton didn't even know about the earthquake in Japan or the tsunami that followed until he work up -- but I did.

So Breakfast was 3 leftover "bites". Today was the either eat them or toss them day, so I ate a few and tossed the rest. They really are good, healthy,  and as warmed leftovers -- a quick option for a meal. The morning was more about keeping updated on what was happening.

Lunch was still more leftovers! It's been a leftovers kind of week, it seems! I had:

2 oz Chinese BBQ Pork

This part of my day was still more about contacting those I was worried about and letting others know I was safe.

Because I did not eat much for breakfast or lunch, I got hungry around 3. The excitement was over and now I could focus on my nutritional needs. I know what you're all thinking -- "Khrysti, make a protein shake, because you haven't had one all day!" But I have plans for that shake, so just don't you worry about that. I wanted a snack. Now for those of you who read this regularly you know that popcorn is my favorite snack food currently. I am also big on peanut butter. I deserved both today after the morning and early afternoon I had -- right? Well at least I thought so! I had:

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 pack Healthy Pop 94% Fat Free 100 Calorie Pack Popcorn

I ate them while having a "movie time" with Kana -- we watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

So like I said, I had plans for my shake. I needed it as fuel before Britton and I hit the gym tonight. Remember a few days ago I told you I wanted to hit 1000 calories burned in a single workout? Well, I didn't hit it -- *Theme song from Rocky playing* I broke it! I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone (way beyond) and burned 1050 calories and hiked 4 miles straight uphill (15.0 incline) in 1 hour! YAY! Britton could not believe it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the fuel I put in the tank before I did this. I had a "Mounds" Shake":

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
3 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz H2O
12 Ice Cubes

So that was my tsunami day. Here are my daily stats:
Calories Consumed: 690
Calories Burned: 1050!!!!!
Protein" 76.5g

Friday, March 11, 2011

First the DMV . . . Then a Tsunami Warning? Busy day!

OK, so we're all waiting to see what the day holds as we await an all clear from our current Tsunami Warning. Thanks to all who called or txt'd to check on me. So far so good here in California and my neighbors in Hawaii are fine too. Ferndale's schools are open, but I called and they said if you have to pass through a Tsunami Hazard Area, then don't come in. Pass through? We live in the zone! We are staying home, but also staying together. This would be the perfect day to go to the cabin at Price Creek and hang out while we wait for the all clear. But enough about the big waves and on to my yesterday:

March 10, 2011

Hit the gym at 5:30 and thanks to machine malfunctions (not really, just kept accidentally pulling the emergency stop rope without realizing it so my machine kept having to be restarted) resulting in a loss of workout time and a reduction of calories burned, but I did still burn 620 calories -- so it wasn't that bad.

I am happy to tell you all that I started my day off right by drinking my shake like a good girl. I had a Pumpkin Pie Shake for breakfast. Yumm-o! 44g of protein down for the day, just a minimum of 26g left to go for the day!

Lunch was an old favorite done healthier! Brie and Grapes is one of my hands down favorite meal or snack of all time! Super high in fat and calories though. Bummer! I can still have the real thing in small quantities, but not for a meal, so instead, I had:

2 rounds of Babybel Light Cheese
1 cup Green Grapes

Delish and satisfying after dealing with the DMV. Last year there was an emissions recall on my '04 Jaguar X-Type which held up my registration renewal until I had it taken care of. So I made an overnight trip to the city (San Francisco) and had the correction done and brought the DMV the correction form so I could complete last years renewal -- and they gave me my registration in exchange for the form (as the fees had already been paid). So yesterday I go to renew and they say I need the same thing corrected again! They lost the freakin correction form and didn't update my record first! So they wanted me to do it all again! Thankfully British Motor Cars in SF is making me out another form and mailing it to me. I'm gonna take the original and a photocopy to the DMV and only let them have the photo copy just in case they don't get their act together and make it right by next year -- I will have my proof on hand and not have to go through this again! Anyway, enough about my rant with the DMV.

For dinner, I thought maybe if I treated the kids and myself to Hunan's I would find some pleasure in eating again. Maybe my taste buds are just off, cause NOTHING tasted right! Britton claimed it tasted the same as it always has, but the Chinese Chicken Salad didn't taste right nor did the BBQ pork! I've heard others say their tastes change after surgery -- maybe that's what is happening to me? Whatever it is, I had: (approximately)

2 oz BBQ Pork
2/3 cup Chinese Chicken Salad

So for those of you concerned, I did great on my protein! with the BBQ Pork alone during my dinner I hit 70g! Plus the additional varied amount that the Chicken portion of my salad provided me.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed -- approximately 670
Calories Burned with Exercise -- 620
Protein: >70g

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It Really Is Just Fuel

Ok so after a long pep talk with Denise, I suppose that food really is nothing other than fuel and I am going to embrace this new attitude towards food as a healthy one. Moving on! I am going to work on getting my nutrition in everyday and find my joy elsewhere. Which would be much easier if I were at my home in Hawaii instead of Humboldt! I'm sure there are things to find joy in here though, I mean there are people who come here to visit on purpose. They must see something that I have forgotten, so I will begin looking. That being said, here was my yesterday:

March 9, 2011

So the alarm went off this morning as planned. Britton and I were both happy to be able to start our day off right, and enthusiastically headed off to the gym. I must have been making up for the lost day yesterday, because my calories burned hit a new record this morning! 725 calories burned!!! That felt good. I watched the 650lb Virgin follow up show while I worked out thinking, "If that guy could lose over 400 lbs, then this last 79 I have to go is nothing!" I even stepped up my pace out of inspiration. My goal is to hit 1000cals in a workout -- but probably not going to happen in a morning workout (due to limited time). I will, however get there even if it means a Friday night workout.

Breakfast was 3 of the Left Over Bites from the night before. one was cold and the other two were nuked. Not that I couldn't wait til they were nuked to eat them,  I just thought I'd try them cold (the new, "I don't really give a $h*t" thing) to avoid having to put any extra effort into putting fuel in my body. But they really did need to be a bit warmer, so I nuked the other 2 for just a few seconds. They were much better warm.

Lunch was more left overs. The Split Pea Soup I made and froze last week. Here's a trick: when freezing soups, pour into ice cube trays for freezing. Then once frozen, pop the cubes out and place into a ZipLock Freezer bag for easy portion control when using as a quick meal -- from freezer to microwave to table!

1 cup Split Pea Soup

Dinner was . . .leftovers. No just kidding! NOT left overs! But that would have been funny if it was.  I made Spaghetti and meatballs and salad for the family. I was going to have 2 or 3 meatballs and a salad, but I decided I wanted a few more meatballs more than adding a salad. So I had:

6 Armor Meatballs

They were good. 6 was actually a serving, which contains 270calories. They were super high in fat though, so it was good that my breakfast and lunch choices both had little fat in them, so I still didn't go over my fat grams (I'm allowed 30g a day)

I did not, however, hit my protein target! Oops!!! I will do better tomorrow.

Daily Stats:
Calories consumed: 570
Calories burned: 725
Protein: 40g

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Better Late Than Never

I know, you all probably thought I wasn't gonna post today. I understand why you'd think that as I usually post in the morning, but at least it better late than never . . . right? I'm still stuck in that blah state of mind -- gotta snap out of it! Anyway, here's yesterday for ya:

March 8, 2011

So the alarm didn't go off this morning. Did my subconscious not set it on purpose? I have been tired, maybe I wanted to sleep in and take a day off that I didn't get this weekend? Or did I simply forget? Who knows? Either way . . . I did not workout today!

Breakfast was Torani sweetened yogurt with fruit:

1 cup Chobani Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup
1/2 cup Green Grapes (quartered)

Now a cup and a half is a lot for a post-opie, but when you eat slowly, it doesn't feel like overload. I think the yogurt drops into the larger portion of my stomach pretty quickly. That's why I added the grapes. I think I need more fluid in my band. I see Dr Cirangel on the 14th, so I am going to ask him for another 1-1.5cc's to bring me up to 8-8.5cc's total. I really need to find my band's "sweet-spot" because I am just about of will-power alone. That, I think is the reason for the blah's I'm feeling towards my eating/drinking schedule. I feel like I just don't care -- and I NEED to care! This is my life and my health we're talking about. I definitely do need to care.

Lunch went a little something like this: I had a little conversation with myself that sounded like this in my head -- "Self, you need to make a protein shake, since I didn't have one for breakfast . . . I know but it seems like a lot of effort to put out, how about a tablespoon of peanut butter instead . . . well peanut butter does have protein and it's much easier to just open the jar and scoop that go through the whole blender thing . . . Alrighty then, peanut butter it is!"

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

Of course when you opt for a spoonful of peanut butter as a meal -- you're gonna get hungry before your next scheduled meal time, so by 2:00, my stomach was growling. I again repeated pretty much the same conversation with my self that I had just 2 hours earlier, knowing I did need to make my protein shake or it probably wouldn't get done today. Guess what? I opted for popcorn!

1 bag Healthy Pop 100 Calorie Pack Butter Flavor Microwave Popcorn

OK, I decided something had to give. Maybe if I tried to cook something healthy and new for my family's dinner, that I would get inspired, somehow, and break out of this . . . whatever it is . . . or isn't!?! So I saw this recipe for "bites" on the world according to eggface, so I thought I'd try it. I had:

Bacon Cheeseburger Bites
1/2 cup Fruit Salad (Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Bananas)

The recipe was good. Dan and Kana both liked them a lot -- Britton, not so much. What can I say? He's a teenager and his taste buds are primarily set for fast food and pizza, but he is trying. He did eat them, he just didn't really like them, but he said that he will keep eating healthy food until it starts to seem like "real food" LOL!

So, that's it. That was my day. My calorie counter is still down, so I don't have daily stats for you. I think I'm gonna have to get a new widget to count my calories. Maybe I can find an app on my phone to track calories -- that would be convenient. We'll see.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah . . .

Again, not much to talk about yesterday. The big excitement was that Kana swam to the deep end of the pool during swim lessons. I have so much work to do in the office, that hours pass with nothing truly inspiring to tell you about. So here was my diet/exercise yesterday:

March 7, 2011

The day began at 5:30 a.m. and I am happy to say it was open. Turns out the owner of the gym was sick so he didn't get up and go unlock it at 5 a.m. like he usually does and it was too early to call back-up to go unlock it.

Breakfast was the last of the Chicken Breast and Peanut Sauce leftovers.

4 oz Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Peanut Sauce

I've been very uninspired by food for the past few days. It has inexplicably become "just fuel" which is unusual especially for me. It's not that I don't get hungry, I just don't really care what it taste like, as long as it does the job.

I decided that Shake time was lunch time. I made the "CocoCaraMac" shake again. See: CocoCaraMac Recipe for list of ingredients.

I searched The World According to Eggface for a tasty recipe for Tuna Steaks, but could only find ideas for canned tuna, so I had to go out on my own. I decided to saute it with a Thai herb blend, stir fry Carrots and Broccoli, make some noodles, and put everything atop a Romaine lettuce salad. (for me, I did without the noodles), with spray on sesame dressing and wasabi. I had:

3 oz Yellow Fin Tuna
3/4 cup Veggies & Salad Mixture
5 sprays Sesame Ginger Dressing
liberal amount Wasabi

Kana liked the tuna, Britton didn't. Trying to inspire a teenager to try new healthy things is difficult, but I won't ever give up trying. He is making healthy choices for Breakfast and lunch, so I am proud of him for taking the steps he has towards a healthier life. We all have to take things in our own pace and stride.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: not 100% sure because my Calorie counter is currently glitching, but my best guesstimate is 500-600(?)
Calories Burned: 600
Protein: 84g

Monday, March 7, 2011

But It Was Suppose To Be My Day Off!!!

OK . . . Kana . . . God love him, was NOT going to let me have a day off this weekend no matter what! First with the swimming on Saturday (which really was fun) to actually hitting the gym yesterday! He has been pestering me to take him with me ever since Britton decided to join  and now gets to go with me. I've been putting him off -- and 5:30 in the morning is not an option to have him tag along. So, I broke down and finally agreed. So we hit the gym together, side by side on treadmills, and he actually stayed on it for 40 mins! He said it was fun watching Aladdin on Disney Channel on his machine. He was really cute on his machine.

March 6, 2011

Breakfast: I had a "Lava Flow" shake, minus the frozen fruit. See: Lava Flow Shake Recipe for ingredients.

Lunch was a healthier version of an old favorite of Brie and Grapes. There is a Blue Cheese Brie that I absolutely LOVE! So I found these Laughing Cow Light Blue Cheese Wedges that only have 35 cals per wedge and give you 2g of protein. They were great with grapes. Not exactly like the Brie, but close enough for the huge calorie savings to make it worth the substitution. So here was my lunch menu:

2 wedges Laughing Cow Light Blue Cheese
1/2 cup Green Grapes

Dinner was a left over Chicken Breast with Peanut Sauce from last night's dinner. Still delicious!

So after Saturday's low calorie intake, I took some good advice from Kayla and bought a few protein bars to put in my car for when I'm running around, so next time I'll be armed with nutritious snacks to fill in the gaps.

Daily Stats:
Calories Consumed: 611
Calories Burned: 450 (hey it was suppose to be my day off!)
Protein: 78g

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Making Up For Yesterday

First, I'm sorry for skipping yesterday's post. Just too much to do and not enough hours in the day, I suppose. I will tell you about both Friday and Saturday in today's post, so as not to leave anything out.

To answer the question from the last post . . . Did we go back to the gym and workout? Yes we did! After the getting up early only to find that no one showed up to unlock the main door lock, we eventually did go back and get our workout in. So yay! Nice way to spend a Friday night -- we practically had the gym to ourselves.

March 4, 2011

After getting off to an unfortunate start, and a foggy recovery, I finally got around to breakfast at 10am (very late! I was going to have to really push to get my eating/drinking schedule in on time.) I made a "Peach Pie" Flavored Protein Shake. Delicious as always! See: Peach Pie Recipe for a list of the ingredients.

Lunch was a big salad with the Greek yogurt ranch dressing I told you I was going to experiment with. I made the recipe by following the instructions on the Hidden Valley Ranch packet, except I substituted the mayo with plain fat-free Chobani Greek Yogurt and used 1% milk. I figured out the calories to be: 20.6 calories per 2 Tbsp of dressing! It tasted just like regular ranch, except it was a little tangier than usual, but for such a huge calorie savings, I think I could get use to a tangier ranch! My salad had:

1 cup Romaine Lettuce
1/2 large Roma Tomato
1/4 small Avocado
1 large Hard Boiled Egg
1 oz Sliced Deli Turkey
1 individual serving package Light Swiss Cheese
2 Tbsp My Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing

Dinner was a splurge that is not really on my approved foods list, but I have been doing good, and had burned 681 calories at the gym, so I felt like I earned it. Pizza! . . . well, sort of. Round Table makes these new Artisan Flat Breads. They are between 200 and 270 cals per slice. I had 1 slice of the Artisan Pepperoni Flat Bread which had 270 cals. I enjoyed every bite!

Daily Total:
Calories Burned: 681
Calories Consumed: 745
Protein: 73g

March 5. 2011

It was a fun, busy Saturday! Which, I'm happy to say, included an exercise activity that I have been meaning to do for a while now. Kana and I went to the Arcata Community Pool for Open swim time. It was a blast. Kana even tries the water slide, but didn't like how the water went up his nose at splash down. He says he'll try it again next time, but once was enough for the fay's visit. We worked on his skills he learned at class this week and "raced" each other across the pool -- which he won every time!!! We had a blast!

Breakfast was me just being too lazy to make myself something after making bacon and pancakes for the rest of the family. I chose to instead, eat:

2 slices Bacon

Meh, wasn't really too hungry and it was protein, so . . .

After swimming Kana and I went out for one of our favorite treats: Fro Yo! There is a great frozen yogurt places in Arcata (a regular spot for my lunch back in '86 when I was at HSU!) We each had a small cup of yogurt. Kana got Chocolate with sprinkles and gummy bears. I had:

1 small cup Mixed Berry Frozen Yogurt

I talked to the owner and she said a small is between 4 and 6 oz and that there were 25 calories per ounce so my treat was 100-150 calories. She said she wasn't sure about the protein thing, but I know that regular yogurt has about 1.5g per oz so that's good enough!

Dinner was amazing! I baked Chicken Breast with Ted & Barney seasoning, stir fried Veggies in Pam, made noodles and rice, and made a Tai Peanut Sauce. I had:

4oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
1/2 cup Veggies
1 oz Peanut Sauce

Here's my recipe for the sauce:

1/3 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1/2 can Chicken Broth
1/3 cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce
liberal amounts of Chinese Hot Mustard Powder (to taste -- I like it hot!)

It's really good, and protein-erific! Dipping sauce without guilt!!! It really could have used Crushed Red Chile Peppers, but I didn't have any on hand.

My counts for the day are:
Calories Burned: Unknown
Calories Consumed: approx 440
Protein: ?g (not enough!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

I've created a monster!

Well, I gotta tell ya -- Waking up at 5:30 and heading to the gym is a great way to start the day! Unless . . . they for some inexplicable reason are not open when they should be open, and you wait around for a while hoping someone will show up and unlock the door -- but they don't. Then you have to drive home tried because you didn't get to workout and you have an extra hour to do nothing, so you go back to sleep for an hour. The 2nd time you wake up for the day is NOT as easy as the 1st and you hang out in a fog for the next couple hours. You'd like to go exercise to get the blood pumping and maybe salvage the rest of your day except, (a) you don't even know if they're open -- and -- (b) you have a kiddo who is home sick from school today! I really hope that I am going to tell you tomorrow that I got a workout in today, but at this point, I don't know when or if that will happen. We'll see.

Anyway so much for the rant so now on to the rave. Yesterday was an awesome day with awesome choices made! check it out:

March 3, 2011

The day, like I told you yesterday, started out at the gym. Feeling beaten from the night before I decided I would step up my game. I increased my resistance and speed, and by the end of my workout I had burned 658 calories!!! Having Britton there with me is definitely a great motivator to push myself beyond my comfort zone!

Breakfast was a protein shake inspired by a txt conversation with Kayla. She sent me a txt of Torani Sugar-Free Chocolate Macadamia Nut Syrup and told me she named the shake she made with it "The Khrysti Shake." I don't have that flavor, but do have macadamia nut syrup and chocolate protein powder, but felt I needed to elaborate on that a bit so I made the "CocoCaraMac Shake":

2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Caramel Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Macadamia Nut Syrup
12 Ice Cubes

The final result? Super YUM! Definitely a keeper.

At lunch I came up with a brilliant idea for tuna. I just can't eat it dry, and adding mayo always makes me feel guilty, no matter how little I use. So I decided to add 2 Tbsp of Greek Non-Fat Plain Yogurt to it and add some seasonings to spice it up a bit. It was delicious and guilt free! Plus, it was PACKED with protein. I used the mixture to make a salad:

1 can Solid White Albacore (drained)
2 Tbsp Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (I prefer Chobani or Zoi)
1 medium Pickle
1/2 large Roma Tomato
A few Chopped Green Onion Tops
Ted & Barney's Seasoning to taste
1 Cup Romaine Lettuce

I mixed all but the lettuce together into a really good tuna salad, then added the lettuce and tossed to coat with the tuna salad mixture. It made a huge serving and I finished almost all of it. It has inspired me to try to make "Ranch Dressing" out of Greek yogurt and a Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Packet. I'll update you as to how that goes soon! (Most likely tomorrow!)

Dinner was Super Healthy and really good! And to think I started out not even wanting to cook (lunch was so big, I wasn't really hungry). However, Britton, still out doing me, was back at the gym for his 3rd workout of the day (in the morning with me, P90X for PE, and now with his friend Jared who he is now trying to inspire to start joining us at 5:30), so I knew he was definitely in need of something healthy, filling, and packed with protein. Here was our menu: Extra Lean Pork Tenderloin with Garlic & Peppercorn Seasoning, Asparagus, Green Salad, and Baked Macaroni and Cheese. I had:

3 oz Pork Tenderloin
4 spears Asparagus

My end of the day stats:

Calories consumed: 611
Calories burned: 658
Protein: 91g

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Never Challenge A Teenager!

In making the decision to get healthier myself, I am trying really hard to have my family make healthier choices too. It's not that hard to do now that they see me walking my talk and making great strides in my progress. Which does inspire them. So the exciting news is that my 15 year old son, Britton, has agreed to join me in working out at the gym. I started out thinking it was just maneuver to save his Xbox from being taken away (which I did threaten to do because he just spends entirely too much time on that thing and as a result has put on weight) but now I really think he is looking forward to seeing his body change and to become healthier.

I am really happy for him, but I learned a huge lesson last night while at the gym . . . NEVER challenge a teenager! He handed me my butt on a silver platter! I hit the Treadmill then the Stair Climber/Elliptical for a total of 45 mins and 450 calories burned. Britton on the other hand, continued working out for another half hour (and he was working at a higher resistance than I was). He worked out for an hour and 15 minutes total and burned a whopping 780 calories! Way to go Britton!!! He said he would rather work out in the mornings before school, so I said, OK I will try to wake you up at 5:30 and we'll hit the gym again (thinking this kid would never get up that early as he is difficult to wake up at 7:00 normally). Guess what? He jumped out of bed and was ready to go in a flash! I'm actually really excited to have a workout partner who is motivated to get up that early and workout (I once tried to get my sister Katie to be my early morning workout partner, but she ended up just thinking I was a nuts and our workouts were short lived!). I even told him last night, "Hey, it's 8:30. If we're gonna get up at 5:30 you better think about getting to bed." He immediately told his friends on Xbox he had to go, logged off, and went to sleep! He says he wants to get up at 5:30 and hit the gym 5 days a week (M-F)! That's awesome. I'm really proud of his decision. The added bonus to our early mornings is that I get to spend some quality time with him one on one, which is a rare opportunity when your talking about your teenage kids.

Can't wait to tell you about the gym this morning -- but that information is for tomorrow's blog!

March 2, 2011

OK so today wasn't the best when it comes to my food intake. I had great intentions, but sort of accidentally skipped a meal, so I did not make my target for either calories or protein. The worst part about it is that the meal I skipped was the one intended for my protein shake -- so when I say I missed my target, I mean by A LOT. Here's how the day went down:

Breakfast -- NOT my usual protein shake. I decided I wanted an omelet. I woke up a little hungry, so I wanted something solid, and instead of a 2 "egg" omelet, I wanted a 3 "egg" Omelet. I tried talking myself out of the extra 1/4 cup of liquid egg whites, but when all was said and done, 3 "eggs" it was. So here's what I had:

3/4 cup Eggbeaters 100% Liquid Egg Whites
1 individual serving package Light Cheddar Cheese
1 slice Ham Lunch Meat
1 slice Tomato
1/4 small Avocado

It was good, and I ate it all. At this point of the day I was doing great and right on track to meet my goals for the day. My breakfast gave me 35g of protein to start the day and contained 244 calories. Plus I knew that I would hit my target protein with the consumption of my protein shake, which has 44g. Knowing this, I knew I had a little wiggle room with my lunch. (Pay attention, this is where the day goes down hill!) I decided to make Popcorn for "lunch." I had 5 cups (which is a good size bowl) and instead of sitting down and eating without distractions, I sort of munched on it while I entered billing. Mindless snacking is a definite NO-NO! Because I grazed while I worked it took a long time of no fluids because I can't eat and drink at the same time and can't drink for 45 mins after eating, so my 2 hour lunch meant my fluids were low.

My fluids being low, meant I had to push fluids, which fills up my space and throws my eating/drinking schedule off. I was still trying to get my 64oz in by the time dinner rolled around. I told myself that I would have a protein shake after I got back from the gym. When I did get back from the gym, I showered, finished helping Kana with his homework, and then I went to bed.

Basically I ended my day so low in cals and protein that my day ended in a net negative after my workout. 386 calories consumed - 450 calories burned = total calories of -64 for the day. I don't mind the negative net calories once in a while, but I don't like being short on my protein ever! I'm moving on, making better choices for today, and just letting it go.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And She's Back!

Yay! I told you I'd join the new gym on the 1st of March. Loved the workout with the "Cardio-Theater" TV connected to my machine (all the machines there have personal TV screens on them and you can watch whatever you wish while you workout, of course you have to wear headphones or it would be too loud with that many TVs all on different stations playing at once LOL!) even though there was nothing good on to watch so I channel surfed a lot -- not a big fan of the entirely worn out and lame "American Idol. The Gym is great though, and I like that it's a key card system so I can go in anytime between 5:30am and 10pm. Now I just have to make sure not to lose my card! I used the Elliptical Stair Climber Machine and after my workout was done, I had burned 480 calories!

Even though I know how much I burned, I'm not exactly sure how much I consumed, but I am assuming it to be around 700 calories and between 75-80g of protein. I will explain this more to you after I tell you what I ate for the day.

March 1, 2011

Breakfast was . . .you guessed it . . . a protein shake. I call it the "Tropical Fruit Smoothie" shake. It was good, but is a work in progress, I think. Here's the the current recipe:

2 scoops Strawberry Protein Powder
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup
2 oz  Torani Sugar-Free Mango Syrup
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Strawberry Syrup
12 Ice Cubes

Today was the start of my hell week -- getting billing out. I hate doing it, but I haven't found any other way to get people to send me money, so . . . yeah. Guess it just has to be done. Anyway, I drank my shake slowly in between entering invoices.

Lunch was the reason for the guess about the calorie and protein counts. I was really craving Chinese Chicken Salad from Hunan's. I usually make my food at home and read the food labels so I know how much of everything there is in what I'm consuming, but I asked the girl who checked me out if she knew how many calories was in the chicken salad and she said, "I don't" so I decided to sort of guess. I ate:

1 cup Chinese Chicken Salad

which I am going to guess cant be more than 327 calories and has to have at least 8g protein. Why you might ask did I pick these numbers? Well, because at the end of the day my target for calories is between 600 and 800 (I try to make it closer to just above or below 700), and my target for protein is between 75 to 100g. And the tally for today was:

calories= 373 + whatever the chicken salad was (couldn't have been over 327)
Protein = 67g + however much was in the chicken porting of the salad (had to be at least 8g)

You see now, by my calculations, I was right on target! Yay Me!

So where did the other part of the calories and protein I knew for sure come from? Dinner. Which was a cup of my new found way to enjoy Greek yogurt!

1 cup Greek Yogurt
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Strawberry Syrup

I was actually late in eating dinner due to poor planning and the start of a new swim lesson schedule for Kana, but I ate just before working out, so I'm OK with it. I will just have to plan better now that I know.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just Another Day

Pretty average day -- no great mysteries revealed, no magic tricks, no . . . oh wait, there was something pretty exciting that happened that I wanted to share with you: In the next month or so, Shankari the Alchemist and I will be co-hosting a call in talk radio show on blogtalk radio! (Thanks for the info Anjali). We will have shows on several different topics from Alchemy to The Metaphysical Properties of Stones (and give a free mini reading or two per show)! I'll keep you updated here as things progress.

I actually had a fabulous day really. After all was said and done My calorie consumption was 699 and a whopping 83g of protein!

February 28,2011

Breakfast (before and during my volunteer time in Kana's class -- had to go in a half hour early, so I took it in with me) was an "Apple Pie Ala Mode" Protein Shake. Some of you may remember this shake from a while back, but I improved on the recipe and cut out 80 calories and 1.5g of fat. Last time, I used Sugar-Free Torani Caramel Sauce which although there is no sugar in it, it's not exactly low cal. I substituted SF Caramel Syrup which has no calories, fat, or sugar! It was just as tasty if not better, since I didn't have to skimp on the caramel. Here is the new and improved recipe:

2 scoops Protein Powder
1 envelope Alpine Sugar-Free Instant Apple Cider
1-2 oz Hot H2O (just enough to dissolve the Apple Cider packet)
2 Ice Cubes (to cool down the apple cider after packet is dissolved. Protein powder and hot liquids aren't a good match)
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Syrup
2 oz Torani Sugar-Free Caramel Syrup
12 Ice Cubes

It looks like a lot more work when it's written out, but it really isn't. I especially love this shake. It reminds me of a cold blended version of the Starbucks Hot Caramel Apple drink. Yumm-o!

Lunch was something I've been thinking about doing since the discovery of the Torani Sugar-Free syrups. And guess what? It worked out just like I thought it would. "Sweet" Fruit Flavored Greek Yogurt without all the extra calories or carbs! Check it out:

1 cup Fat Free Greek Yogurt
1 oz Torani Sugar-Free Peach Syrup

For those of you who are fans of Greek yogurt, you know the texture (even when fat free) is extremely creamy. It's almost like you mixed whipped cream into regular yogurt, making it decadent and dessert like. Plus, as an added bonus, it's super dooper ally ooper packed with protein (23g per cup).

Snack time after school with Kana was one of my favorite snack foods -- Popcorn! I had 3 cups (because Kana wouldn't let me steal any of his LOL!)

Dinner was another "Crazy Khrysti Concoction" I have named Spaghetti Salad. I mean hey, some buddy had to be the first to add chili to a salad add some cheese, salsa, and sour cream and call it Taco Salad right? Basically, The family wanted Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, and Green Salad . . . so I just took the parts I could eat and mixed them all together! Good thing I've never been one of those "my peas can't touch my mashed potatoes or I can't eat it" kind of people, or the world would miss out on a great new salad idea! Here's what went in the bowl:

2 1/2 oz Ground Turkey Italian Sweet Sausage
1/2 cup Tomato & Basil Spaghetti Sauce (reduced down to 1/4 cup)
2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese
1 cup Romaine Lettuce

It was actually really good, looked weird, but it tasted good. I will make this my default dinner on spaghetti night from now on.

Exercise -- I did my faux Bender ball exercise DVD. Not as "easy" as it was at Jaime's; because my abs/ribs are SORE! Guess that's my body's twisted way of saying, "Great job Khrysti, keep up the good work!"